Privateer Press dropped two new building and two new units for Monsterpocalypse, which will release in April 2022.
The two new buildings, Necroscourge Nexus and The World Tree, can be added to any Monsterpocalypse force. The Nexus is a base for the Necrosourge allowing unit to connect to the Swam Hive. The Tree is a base for the Vegetyrants, and gives this factions’ units a discount when secure. Necroscourge Nexus will retail for $19.99 and The World Tree will retail for $24.99.
The Necroscourge and the Vegetyrants also receive two new units. The Necroscourge get Hexchantresses & Void Maulers, which can join any Destroyer force. The Hexchantress supports unit and deals ranged damage while the Void Maulers use Nanites to ward off enemies. The Vegetyrants add Flowering Sprayer & Whomping Nettle to their forces. The Sprayer can shoot seeds at their enemies, which allows Vegetyrants to proliferate behind enemy lines, and the Nettle deals out sneak attacks with bloodthirsty vines. Each of these sets retail for $21.99.
Privateer Press also announced two new First Guardians kits and two new Ancient Ones kits, for Monsterpocalypse for release in March 2022 (see “Four ‘Monsterpocalypse’ Kits Incoming“).
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Source: ICV2