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HomeNewsComic Book NewsReview: DC vs. Vampires #3

Review: DC vs. Vampires #3

DC vs. Vampires #3

DC has put out some fantastic spins on their classic heroes taking them out of continuity and putting them against impossible odds. Some of those takes completely rework the characters keeping their basic concepts. Other takes keep the characters the same dropping them into situations you just can’t do in normal continuity. You can’t because events occur that might be slightly against character or they’d never be able to come back from them. DC vs. Vampires is that type of event with the vampire nation declaring war against everyone. And as we’ve learned they’re slowing turning heroes and villains alike. DC vs. Vampires #3 continues the tension of who will be turned and who will be killed in an issue that’s full of shocking moments.

Written by James Tynion IV and and Matthew Rosenberg, what has made this series stand out is that it isn’t just an escalating battle. There’s a sense of paranoia about its first three issues that keeps readers on their toes. You never know who is turned and who isn’t making each character introduction intense. DC vs. Vampires #3 continues that winning formula and keeps you guessing with each page. Even characters we’ve been introduced to before are suspect leaving me not knowing who to trust. There’s clearly some that are turned but there’s hints there may be more.

The previous issue left us with The Flash having been murdered by Green Lantern who is upping the body count. Who else will he kill? Will he bring anyone to the vampire side? What about the remaining villains or the x-factor that is Green Arrow who seems to know what’s going on? That’s all touched on here in another issue that knocks it out of the park.

Otto Schmidt‘s art style works perfectly for the comic. With Tom Napolitano‘s lettering, the comic has a flair about it that knows there’s a pulp aspect about it. The body language, head tilt, or facial expression of the characters are delivered in a way that keeps things not completely serious even when the material is deadly serious. A great example of this is the opening pages of the comic as Hal attempts to figure out who killed The Flash with the Justice League and you can feel his nervous energy ooze from the page as he attempts to throw everyone off his track. The slight reveals as a vampire’s fang is shown is presented in a way that works so well and doesn’t feel like it’s silly vampire horror tropes.

DC vs. Vampires #3 is a hell of an issue that keeps readers guessing as to what’s going to happen next. There’s enough twists and turns for a miniseries let alone one issue. What’s great is, the issue, and series as a whole, has stuck to a psychological aspect that has made the comics entertaining. It easily could have been just one giant action fight but instead it keeps things in the horror space leaving you to constantly guess who might be a vampire and who might wind up dead.

Story: James Tynion IV, Matthew Rosenberg Art: Otto Schmidt
Color: Otto Schmidt Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Story: 8.75 Art: 8.75 Overall: 8.75 Recommendation: Buy

DC Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXologyAmazonKindleZeus ComicsTFAW

Source: Graphic Policy

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