Few DnD novel series have left an impression on the wider fantasy fiction landscape like Dragonlance, a cycle of sprawling adventures pioneered by author duo Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Whether you’re new to this epic saga, or are well versed in the world of Krynn, the latest Humble Book Bundle has something for you, offering 26 Dragonlance eBooks worth a combined $207 for just $18 (£14.27).
In fact, if you’re even the slightest bit interested in fantasy fiction, you should probably check this bundle’s very cheapest tier out. For just $1 (£0.79), you get the complete ‘The War of Souls’ trilogy, three New York Times best-sellers released between 2000 and 2002, at the same time that DnD was experiencing its massive resurgence thanks to DnD 3rd edition.
But if you want to get the full DnD Dragonlance experience, you really want to back the full $18 tier. Among its varied contents are the original Dragonlance Chronicles, published 1984 to ‘85, and the followup Dragonlance Legends trilogy from 1986. They’re the real core of the story that captured fans’ imaginations so thoroughly.
The bundle is available until 11am PDT / 2pm ET / 6pm GMT on April 5. As always with Humble Bundle, part of the proceeds go to charity. This time it’s Room to Read, which supports literacy and reading among primary school children in low-income communites.
What’s particularly unusual about the original Dragonlance Chronicles is that their story was also told in a series of adventure modules for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, which were also written by Hickman and Weis.
Instead of letting players create unique characters with their pick of the DnD classes and DnD races, they instead took control of the heroes of the Dragonlance books. And collectively, the modules came together to tell a truly lengthy campaign and epic story, a first for the game. It was an unprecedented multimedia experiment for the time.
The tabletop DnD release schedule is unlikely to feature any new Dragonlance books for a while, as the last Dragonlance campaign book, Shadow of the Dragon Queen, came out fairly recently. If you love the setting but haven’t tried the module, our Shadow of the Dragon Queen review puts it through its paces!
Source: Wargamer