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HomeNewsComic Book NewsMini Reviews: Star Wars Legacy of Vader #2 and Babs #6

Mini Reviews: Star Wars Legacy of Vader #2 and Babs #6

Babs #6

Sometimes, the staff at Graphic Policy read more comics than we’re able to get reviewed. When that happens you’ll see a weekly feature compiling reviews of the comics, or graphic novels, we just didn’t get a chance to write a full one for.

These are Graphic Policy’s Mini Reviews and Recommendations.


Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #2 (Marvel) – Although some of the art seems traced from movie stills, the second installment of Charles Soule and Luke Ross Legacy of Vader #2 is a big improvement on its predecessor. There’s definitely some prequel/original trilogy nostalgia, but Soule and Ross use it to show the differences between Vader and Kylo Ren. (Aka Vader didn’t take things so personally.) The fight sequences are entertaining too, especially Kylo taking down Rancors with the greatest of ease. However, Legacy of Vader #2 isn’t just Kylo Ren kicking ass, but there’s tons of exploration into his flaws, and by extension, the flaws of the sequel trilogy. Overall: 7.6 Verdict: Read

Babs #6 (Ahoy!) – The first arc of Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows‘ ultraviolent, insult-spewing sword and sorcery piss-take concludes in Babs #6. This is an action-driven issue, but there’s still room for social commentary on how the followers of right-wing/incel/misogynist groups end up getting exploited by their leaders in the end. Also, this comic wins an award for the most creative use of a dick enlargement potion. Burrows takes no prisoners with his art, and the highlight is a double page spread that is half well-choreographed hack and slash, half music video. Overall: 8.0 Verdict: Buy

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