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HomeNewsGames News272 best Truth or Dare questions for a spicy game night

272 best Truth or Dare questions for a spicy game night

Spicy Truth or Dare questions can turn a classic playground game into a hilarious adult affair. Playing is easy – each player in turn chooses to take on a truth or a dare, and everyone else decides on a cheeky question or an unusual challenge. The hardest part of the game, however, is coming up with enough spicy ideas. This guide offers over 200 of the best Truth or Dare questions for adults – plus some dares as an added bonus.

For more grown-up games, here are the drinking games we’d recommend and the best Never Have I Ever questions. Or, for something less explicit, here are the best board games for players of all ages.

Best Truth or Dare questions

Spicy Truth or Dare questions

Best for drama and sexy reveals

  • What was your first ever sexual experience like?
  • Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?
  • What’s the most awkward thing that’s ever happened to you during sex?
  • What’s the weirdest sex dream you ever had?
  • What’s your most embarrassing sexting story?
  • Have you ever had sex with someone famous?
  • Have you ever had sex in public?
  • What’s the sexiest thing you look for in a partner?
  • What’s the least satisfying sexual experience you’ve ever had?
  • What’s the best sexual experience you’ve ever had?
  • How many different people have you had sex with in your life?
  • Have you ever been caught masturbating?
  • What’s your favorite genre of porn?
  • Have you ever worn a gimp suit?
  • What’s the oddest thing you’ve done in the bedroom?
  • What’s your favorite sex position and why?
  • Have you ever masturbated at work?
  • What’s your favorite sex toy and why?
  • How many sex toys do you currently own?
  • What’s your most secret sexual fantasy?
  • What’s the kinkiest thing you like to do during sex?
  • Have you ever had sex at the office?
  • Have you ever had sex with more than one person at once?
  • Have you ever had sex with four or more people at once?
  • Have you ever been to an orgy?
  • Have you ever filmed yourself having sex?
  • What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever masturbated to?
  • Have you ever had a friend with benefits? How did it go?
  • Have you ever had a whirlwind romance on vacation?
  • What is your partner’s secret, sexy pet name for you?
  • How many different rooms in your homes have you had sex in?
  • Do you ever ‘go commando’ in public?
  • What’s the sexiest piece of underwear you own?
  • Have you ever walked in on someone having sex?
  • What’s one bedroom activity you’ll never, ever try?
  • What’s the best food to use in the bedroom?
  • What’s the silliest porn movie you’ve ever seen?
  • Do you have a favorite porn star?
  • Do you read dirty novels?
  • What’s your perfect song to have sex to?
  • How much noise do you make when having sex?
  • What ordinary thing turns you on?
  • Have you ever had sex with a stranger?
  • Have you ever had sex underwater, or in a pool?
  • Have you joined the Mile High Club (had sex in an airplane)?
  • Have you ever done sexy roleplay with a partner? What roles did you play?
  • Have you ever had sex with someone who’s name you don’t know?
  • What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever been called in bed?
  • Have you ever used your feet on a partner?
  • What’s the weirdest object you’ve ever used during sex (or solo play)?
  • Are you a top or a bottom?
  • Are you a sadist or a masochist?
  • Are you dominant or submissive?
  • Would you rather tie someone up, or be tied up?
  • Would you rather spank someone, or get spanked?
  • Are you a master of giving head? Justify your claim.

Truth or Dare questions for couples

Best for getting to know your significant other

  • On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your kissing skills?
  • On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your partner’s kissing skills?
  • How long do you have to be in a relationship before you can fart in front of your partner?
  • Do you poop while your partner is in the bathroom with you?
  • What’s the worst first date you’ve ever been on?
  • Would you lie to your partner to make them feel better?
  • Do you want to have children? Why or why not?
  • If you got married, what song would you play for your first dance?
  • What cartoon character most reminds you of your partner?
  • How soon is too soon to say ‘I love you’ for the first time?
  • Do you have a dating app horror story?
  • When did you first know you were in love with your partner?
  • If you could honeymoon anywhere, where would it be?
  • Do you get on with your partner’s parents?
  • What small quirk does your partner have that you love?
  • What’s the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
  • If you wrote a love song about your partner, what would it be called?
  • What gives you ‘the ick’?
  • Do you have a type?
  • What’s the shortest amount of time you’ve been single for?
  • What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been single for?
  • What’s the silliest reason you ever broke up with someone?
  • Have you ever forgotten an anniversary?
  • How many people have you dated?
  • What’s the best way to flirt with your partner?
  • When you’re in a relationship, would you let someone else buy you a drink at a bar?
  • Who does your pet love more – you or your partner?
  • Does your partner have a celebrity crush?
  • What bad habit of yours does your partner hate?
  • Have you ever texted an ex while drunk?

Funny Truth or Dare questions

Best for getting a laugh

  • What’s an embarrassing fact you know about someone in this game?
  • Have you ever done something against the law?
  • What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
  • What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?
  • What’s the best impression you can do? (You have to perform it)
  • What’s your all time favorite joke?
  • Who’s on your celebrity crush list?
  • What’s the stupidest reason you’ve ever cried?
  • What was your first kiss like?
  • Who was the last person you kissed, and what was it like?
  • Of the players present, who would you
    • have sex with
    • Marry
    • Avoid
    • go into business with
  • Have you ever been naked in public?
  • Who was your first crush, and why?
  • What’s your all time favorite meme?
  • What’s the most embarrassing time you’ve ever farted?
  • Have you ever made a prank call?
  • What did people call you in high school?
  • What annoys you more than anything else?
  • What do your friends wish you’d stop going on about?
  • What’s your most embarrassing experience while drinking?
  • What’s the worst pick up line anyone’s ever used on you?
  • What’s the best pick up line anyone’s ever used on you?
  • If you were a drag queen / king, what would your stage name be?
  • What’s a talent you have that you don’t usually tell people about?
  • What’s your favorite Dad joke?
  • What was your high school yearbook quote?
  • Who’s your least favorite cousin, and why?
  • Do you have a secret tattoo?
  • What’s your biggest red flag on a date?
  • Have you ever written a fanfic online?
  • What’s your biggest irrational fear?
  • What’s the worst gift you’ve ever gotten?
  • Of everyone you’ve kissed, who was the worst?
  • Can you remember the first time you said a curse word?
  • How old were you when you learned Santa Claus wasn’t real?
  • What’s the silliest lie you’ve ever told?
  • What’s your favorite uncool slang word?
  • What’s the strangest thing you ever did to impress a crush?
  • When you play games with children, do you let them win?
  • What animal are you most afraid of?
  • Have you ever had a really embarrassing haircut?
  • Do you have any really uncool hobbies?
  • What’s the stupidest outfit you ever wore?
  • What’s your craziest story from a night out?
  • What’s the worst job you ever had?
  • What’s the fastest you ever bailed out of a date – and why?
  • Have you ever shoplifted? What did you take?
  • What word can you never quite pronounce right?
  • If you ran for public office, what would your #1 policy be?
  • If you ran for public office, what would your campaign slogan be?
  • What was your biggest vacation disaster?
  • Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or a single horse-sized duck?

Gross Truth or Dare questions

Best for giving people the ick

  • What was your most embarrassing bathroom accident?
  • What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten?
  • Have you ever peed in a swimming pool?
  • What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done?
  • Have you ever thrown up all over someone else?
  • Has anyone ever thrown up all over you?
  • When did you last poop your pants?
  • What’s your grossest personal habit?
  • On average, how many times a day do you fart?
  • What would you rather eat: poop, or pee?
  • Would you get shaken around in a used port-a-potty for $100,000?
  • Would you rather swim in a sewer for one hour, or not wash for a year?
  • When was the last time you ate something off the floor?
  • Have you ever drunk out of date milk?
  • How often do you pee in the bathtub?
  • When was the last time you changed your bedsheets?
  • When was the last time you cleaned your toilet?
  • Be honest – do you change your underwear every day?
  • Have you ever kissed your pet on the mouth?
  • Have you ever had an enema?
  • What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without showering?
  • What’s your most embarrassing reason for seeing a doctor?
  • Do you enjoy popping pimples?
    Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever thrown up?
  • Would you rather eat hair or toenails?
  • Have you ever swallowed a bug?
  • What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever found in your bed?
  • What’s the worst thing you’ve ever smelled?
  • What’s the dirtiest public toilet you’ve ever used?
  • Have you ever touched a wild rat?
  • If you found an apparently untouched taco on the street, would you eat it?
  • What would you rather find in your bed: a used diaper or a live skunk?
  • What’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen on the internet?
  • As an adult, have you ever pooped your pants?

Weird Truth or Dare questions

Best for freaking people out

  • How often do you think about the Roman Empire?
  • Have you ever found yourself thinking about Warhammer during sex?
  • What’s the weirdest food that you absolutely love?
  • Have you ever picked someone’s pocket?
  • Have you ever been lost in a theme park?
  • What’s the weirdest intrusive thought that’s ever popped in your head at exactly the wrong time?
  • Have you ever seen a ghost?
  • What’s a Mandela Effect thing you totally believe is true?
  • What’s the first and last thing you wash when you take a shower?
    Are you psychic?
  • Do you believe in aliens? Have you ever seen one?
    What’s the weirdest thing about your body?
  • Can you hold an entire unbroken egg in your mouth?
  • If you could talk to one dead person, who would it be?
  • What’s the strangest place you’ve ever got stuck and had to be helped out of?
  • Have you ever eaten roadkill?
  • What’s the worst piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  • What scares you the most?
  • What would be your ideal superpower?
  • What would you do if you could read minds?
  • Do you believe in the healing power of crystals?
  • Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?
  • If you could go back in time and kill Hitler, would you?
  • If you were to grow one extra limb, what would it be?
  • Would you eat a live bat for $100,000?
  • What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
  • Do you believe in Bigfoot?
  • Would you rather kiss a goat, or a cow?
  • If you were a master thief, what’s the first thing you’d steal?
  • Would you rather be a pirate, or a ninja?
  • Where would you hide out in a zombie apocalypse?
  • Have you ever stayed in a haunted house?
  • What alcoholic drink can you never drink again?
  • What’s the weirdest birthday gift you’ve ever received?
  • How do you feel about Furries?
  • What were you most afraid of as a child?
  • Have you ever talked or walked in your sleep?
  • Do you think dreams have meanings?
  • Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?
  • If you were reincarnated, what would you want to come back as?
  • What’s your biggest ‘Mandela Effect’ memory (something you distinctly remember, but didn’t in fact happen)?
  • Have you ever been possessed?
  • Do you believe you have a guardian angel?
  • Have you ever milked a cow (or other animal)?
  • If you became a ghost after death, who would you haunt and why?
  • Would you rather die by extreme heat, or extreme cold?
  • What’s a stupid hill that you’re willing to die on?

Easy Truth or Dare questions

Best if you don’t know the players well

  • What’s your all time favorite movie?
  • What’s your favorite animal?
  • Who was the last person you called on the phone?
  • What is your dream vacation home like?
  • What foreign countries have you visited?
  • If you could eat just one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
  • What was your first job?
  • What is your dream job?
  • Do you have any kids?
  • What’s a podcast you think everyone should listen to?
  • Do you have any collections? How much have you spent on them?
  • What animal was your first pet, and what was their name?
  • Who’s the most famous person you’ve ever met?
  • If you could time travel, what’s the first place you’d go?
  • What would your absolute perfect first date be like?
  • What was your childhood nickname, and why?
  • What’s the best vacation you’ve ever been on?
  • What was the happiest day of your life?
  • What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
  • What’s your all time favorite videogame?
  • What’s your all time favorite board game?
  • What’s your favorite hobby, and why?
  • What book do you recommend everyone should read?
  • Who’s your favorite Ninja Turtle?
  • What was your favorite childhood cartoon?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
  • What’s your favorite thing to do on vacation?
  • Did you go on summer camp as a kid, and what was it like?
  • What’s your all time favorite song?
  • If you were elected President, what’s the first thing you’d do?
  • If you won $1 million, how would you spend it?
  • If you were a dog, what breed would you be? And why?
  • What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
  • Have you ever been to a concert?
  • Do you prefer Halloween or Valentine’s Day?
  • Would you rather go skydiving or caving?
  • Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
  • What song keeps getting stuck in your head?
  • What was your favorite subject in school?
  • What was your least favorite subject in school?
  • What’s your favorite part of a Thanksgiving dinner?
  • If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be?
  • If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • What piece of clothing do you hate more than any other?
  • Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
  • Have you ever ridden a horse?
  • Do you know how to surf? When did you learn?
  • What’s your biggest rule or motto for life?
  • What horror movie scared you the most?
  • What’s a pet you’d love to have, but never did?
  • If you went to college (or went back to college) what would you study?
  • Who was your favorite teacher at school, and what were they like?
  • If you found out you were in the Matrix, would you take the red pill or the blue pill?

Dares for Truth or Dare

Easy dares

Best for playing it safe

  • Do 100 jumping jacks
  • Do your best impression of the President
  • Sing a song for the group
  • Do your best impression of another player
  • Stand on one leg for as long as you can

Funny dares

Best for embarrassing your buds

  • Let your friends post on your social media
  • Make a prank call
  • Shout something silly in public (your friends can decide)
  • Make up a rude song about a friend
  • Talk in a British accent for the rest of the game (or an American accent, if you’re British)

Gross dares

Best for making people say ‘ew!’

  • Lick someone else’s foot
  • Eat a raw vegetable
  • Drink a mix of everyone’s drinks, plus ketchup
  • Sing the rudest song you know
  • Try to fart or burp on command

Spicy dares

Best for 18+ parties

  • Run a lap of the house naked
  • Give someone a lap dance
  • Put ice cubes down your pants
  • Kiss another player
  • Passionately kiss a photograph

Whew, that got a little heated towards the end there – if you made it through our juiciest Truth or Dare questions, you might also enjoy our world-leading guide to the best sex board games, or the list of our favorite sex dice games to try out in the bedroom.

Source: Wargamer

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