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HomeTabletop RPGDungeons & Dragons20 shiny new DnD magic items from the 2024 DM’s Guide

20 shiny new DnD magic items from the 2024 DM’s Guide

Dungeons and Dragons’ new Dungeon Master’s Guide features many familiar DnD magic items, but it also introduces plenty of new intriguing entries. This guide explains how each of the 20 new Dungeons and Dragons magic items work.

Here you’ll find a range of weapons designed to suit all sorts of DnD classes, as well as items that let you cast a range of DnD spells your character may not otherwise have been able to access. Animated brooms, summoning cubes, and even spirit boards have joined the roster in the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide.

New DnD magic items in the DM’s Guide:

Wizards of the Coast art of Baba Yaga's Dancing Broom, one of the new DnD magic items in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide

Adamantine Weapon

Item type Weapon (any ammunition or melee weapon)
Category Armaments
Rarity Uncommon
Requires attunement? No

Adamantine Weapons were originally mentioned in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, but this is the first time they’ve had a complete magic item stat block in fifth edition. A weapon or piece of ammunition coated in Adamantine deals a critical hit whenever it successfully hits an object.

Baba Yaga’s Dancing Broom

Item type Wondrous item
Category Arcana
Rarity Uncommon
Requires attunement? Yes

While holding Baba Yaga’s Dancing Broom, you can spend a Magic action to turn it into an Animated Broom that you control. It moves into an unoccupied space, and it acts after you on your Initiative count from now on. During your turn, you can command the broom as a free action, provided it is within 30 feet of you and you aren’t incapacitated.

If you want it to become an inanimate broom again, you can speak its command word as a bonus action. Any hit points it lost are regained automatically upon transforming back – though if the broom reaches zero hit points while in its animated form, it’s destroyed.

Cube of Summoning

Item type Wondrous item
Category Arcana
Rarity Rare
Requires attunement? No

As a magic action, you can wind the crank on the side of a Cube of Summoning. This causes a random summoning spell to be cast at level five (with no need for concentration).

1d6 Spell
1 Summon Aberration
2 Summon Beast
3 Summon Construct
4 Summon Dragon
5 Summon Elemental
6 Summon Fey

The creature you summon appears in the nearest unoccupied space. The spell you cast has a DC of 17 and a +9 attack bonus. Once you’ve summoned a creature, the cube can’t do so again until the next morning.

Energy Bow

Item type Weapon (longbow or shortbow)
Category Armaments
Rarity Very rare
Requires attunement? Yes

The Energy Bow was featured in a free adventure, Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn, but it makes its full book debut in the DMG. It gives you a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with the bow. When you take aim and fire with this bow, a magical arrow appears, ready to fire.

These arrows deal force damage instead of piercing damage, and they disappear immediately after hitting or missing a target. They also emit bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an extra 20 feet.

Instead of dealing damage, you can choose for an arrow to force its target to make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. If they fail, they are restrained for one minute. They can also spend an action to attempt a DC 20 Athletics check to escape this condition.

As an action, you can also fire an arrow from the bow at a target within 60 feet that you can see. This target must be a willing Medium or smaller creature or an object that isn’t being worn or carried. Your arrow teleports the target to a free space within 10 feet of you.

Finally, you can spend an action to fire a flurry of arrows simultaneously at a wall within 60 feet. These arrows create a ladder up to 60 feet long on that wall for one minute.

Enspelled Armor

Item type Armor (any light, medium, or heavy)
Category Armaments
Rarity Varies
Requires attunement? Yes

Enspelled Armor is imbued with an abjuration or illusion spell that’s of level eight or lower. It has six charges, and it regains 1d6 charges each day at dawn. You can spend one charge while wearing the armor to cast its linked spell.

Spell level Rarity Save DC Attack bonus
Cantrip Uncommon 13 +5
1 Uncommon 13 +5
2 Rare 13 +5
3 Rare 15 +7
4 Very Rare 15 +7
5 Very Rare 17 +9
6 Legendary 17 +9
7 Legendary 18 +10
8 Legendary 18 +10

Enspelled Staff

Item type Staff
Category Arcana/Relics
Rarity Varies
Requires attunement? Yes (by a spellcaster)

Like Enspelled Armor, an Enspelled Staff carries the power of a spell that’s level eight or lower. Unlike the armor, this can be from any DnD school of magic. This staff has six charges and regains 1d6 of these daily at dawn. While holding the staff, you can spend one charge to cast its spell.

The rarity, save DC, and attack bonus all depend on the level of the staff’s spell. The table for Enspelled Armor also applies to the Enspelled Staff.

Wizards of the Coast art of a Potion of Invisibility, one of the DnD magic items in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide

Enspelled Weapon

Item type Weapon (any simple or martial)
Category Armaments/Implements
Rarity Varies
Requires attunement? Yes

An Enspelled Weapon is imbued with the power of a spell of level eight or lower. It must be from the conjuration, divination, evocation, necromancy, or transmutation school of magic. Like other enspelled items, it has six charges and regains 1d6 daily at dawn. If you’re holding the weapon, you can spend a charge to cast its linked spell.

The same table for Enspelled Armor and Enspelled Staffs also shows the rarity, save DC, and attack bonus for an Enspelled Weapon. Basically, the higher the spell’s level, the rarer the item will be.

Executioner’s Axe

Item type Weapon (Battleaxe, Greataxe, Halberd, or Handaxe)
Category Armaments
Rarity Very rare
Requires attunement? No

The Executioner’s Axe grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Any humanoid hit by the axe takes an extra 2d6 slashing damage, and you gain temporary HP equal to that additional damage. Pretty much any martial character would appreciate an extra boost like this, but we think this weapon pairs particularly well with the new Path of the World Tree Barbarian subclass.

Hag Eye

Item type Wondrous item
Category Arcana/Implements
Rarity Uncommon
Requires attunement? No

While wearing or holding a Hag Eye, you can spend one of its three charges to cast Darkvision or See Invisibility on yourself. All charges are regained daily at dawn, so you can safely perform this feat three times a day.

The new Dungeon Master’s Guide specifies that Hag Eyes are created by Hag covens. Any hag that belongs to the coven that made the Hag Eye can spend an action to see through the magic item. This lasts as long as they can maintain concentration, but it only works if the hag and the eye are on the same plane of existence.

Hat of Many Spells

Item type Wondrous Item
Category Arcana
Rarity Very rare
Requires attunement? Yes (by a Wizard)

We already saw this magic item in a free 2024 adventure released by Wizards of the Coast, but the Dungeon Master’s Guide is the first full D&D book to feature it. The Hat of Many Spells functions as a spellcasting focus for DnD 2024 Wizard spells. Any spell cast in this way must be cast by reaching into the hat and ‘pulling’ it out.

While holding the hat, you can also attempt to cast a Wizard spell that you don’t know (as long as it’s of a level you can already cast). You can’t cast any spells with a material component that costs more than 1,000 GP, but pretty much everything else is on the table.

Casting the spell requires a successful Arcana check (DC 10 plus the spell’s level). If you manage to cast a spell in this way, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do it again. If you fail the attempted casting, a random effect from a d100 table occurs instead.

Lute of Thunderous Thumping

Item type Weapon (Club)
Category Armaments/Implements
Rarity Very rare
Requires attunement? No

We’re convinced that the Lute of Thunderous Thumping was inspired by Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Like the main character in that movie, you can use this lute as a weapon to clobber enemies. It deals 2d8 extra thunder damage on a successful hit, and DnD 2024 Bards can use their Charisma modifier instead of Strength to make the attack.

Potion of Greater Invisibility

Item type Potion
Category Arcana
Rarity Very rare
Requires attunement? No

When you drink a Potion of Greater Invisibility, you have the invisible condition for one hour. The rules say nothing about you being able to end this condition early, so it looks like you’re free to deal damage and cast spells to your heart’s delight.

Wizards of the Coast art of a Potion of Pugilism, one of the DnD magic items in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide

Potion of Pugilism

Item type Potion
Category Armaments
Rarity Uncommon
Requires attunement? No

After drinking a Potion of Pugilism, your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d6 force damage for the next 10 minutes. This potion also doubles as a Popeye reference, as it’s a green, spinach-flavored liquid.

Quarterstaff of the Acrobat

Item type Weapon (Quarterstaff)
Category Armaments
Rarity Very rare
Requires attunement? Yes

This is another item that was originally introduced in Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn, a free adventure inspired by the D&D cartoon. The Quarterstaff of the Acrobat gives you a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

As a bonus action, you can switch on or off the staff’s ability to shed 10 feet of dim, green light. Also as a bonus action, you can transform the staff into a six-inch rod or a 10-foot pole.

While in quarterstaff form, this magic item gives you advantage on Acrobatics check while you’re holding it, and it has the Thrown property with a range of 30/120ft. After you make a ranged attack, the staff comes back to your hand immediately. Plus, once per rest when you’re hit with an attack while holding the quarterstaff, you can spend a reaction to gain a +5 armor class bonus against that attack.

The quarterstaff still gives you advantage on Acrobatics checks while in 10-foot pole form, but the attack deflection and thrown properties temporarily disappear.

Shield of the Cavalier

Item type Armor (Shield)
Category Armaments
Rarity Very rare
Requires attunement? Yes

Also from the free Uni adventure, the Shield of the Cavalier gives you a +2 armor class bonus while held. When you attack as an action, one of your attack rolls can be made using the shield as a melee weapon (using your proficiency bonus and Strength modifier).

If the shield hits, it deals 2d6 + 2 plus your Strength modifier in force damage, and it can push the target up to 10 feet directly away. A creature that’s your DnD size or smaller is also automatically knocked prone, if you wish.

The shield also gives you a reaction which you can use when you or an ally you see within five feet is targeted by an attack or an area of effect that requires a saving throw. This reaction lets you create a five-foot emanation around you, which pushes any creature or object not fully contained within to an unoccupied space outside it.

The attack or area of effect that triggered the emanation has no effect on anything inside your emanation, and it lasts for up to one minute as long as you maintain concentration. During that time, nothing can pass in or out of the emanation, including attacks and damage. This reaction can only be used once per day.

Silvered Weapon

Item type Weapon (any simple or martial)
Category Armaments
Rarity Common
Requires attunement? No

Silvered Weapons have existed as a concept in 5e for ages, but the new Dungeon Master’s Guide gives them a stat block with more definable effects. Any time you score a critical hit against a shape-shifted creature with this weapon, it deals one extra die of damage.

Spirit Board

Item type Wondrous item
Category Relics
Rarity Very rare
Requires attunement? No

A D&D Spirit Board looks and functions much like those found in reality. It has three charges, with one regained daily at dawn. If you touch the planchette, you can spend one minute casting Augury (one charge) or Commune (three charges). Flavor-wise, a spirit will be contacted, and you can ask them questions with the planchette and the board.

Sylvan Talon

Item type Weapon (Dagger, Rapier, Scimitar, Shortsword, Sickle, or Spear)
Category Armaments/Implements
Rarity Common
Requires attunement? Yes

While you have a Sylvan Talon, you can understand all non-written communication with Fey, and they can understand yours. As an action, you can also use the weapon to cast Message once per day.

Thunderous Greatclub

Item type Weapon (Greatclub)
Category Armaments
Rarity Very rare
Requires attunement? Yes

Also seen in 2024’s free Uni-themed adventure, the Thunderous Greatclub gives you a Strength score of 20 while you’re attuned to it. It deals an extra 1d8 thunder damage to creatures and an additional 3d8 thunder damage to objects that aren’t being worn or carried.

Additionally, you can spend a magic action to hit a hard surface and create a 30-foot cone of energy, accompanied by a clap of thunder audible up to 300 feet. Any creature in the cone must pass a DC 15 Strength saving throw or become prone, and non-magical objects in the cone that aren’t worn or carried take 3d8 thunder damage automatically.

Another magic action you can take is to hit the ground and create a 50-foot radius of seismic energy. Creatures in range must pass a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or become prone – they must then make an additional DC 20 Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration.

Structures in this area automatically take 50 bludgeoning damage, and you can choose to create a fissure that’s 30-foot deep and 10-foot wide in that zone. Creatures must pass another DC20 Dexterity saving throw to avoid falling into the fissure.

Wraps of Unarmed Power

Item type Wondrous item
Category Armaments
Rarity Uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3)
Requires attunement? No

Wearing the Wraps of Unarmed Power gives you a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with unarmed strikes. That bonus depends on how rare your particular set is, and you can choose whether your unarmed strikes deal force damage or their regular damage. This is a magic item designed with the DnD 2024 Monk in mind, and we look forward to seeing how the upgraded class will put it to use.

For more on the new rulebook, here’s our full 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide review. We can also tell you more about how DnD races and DnD 2024 backgrounds work with the new Player’s Handbook.

Source: Wargamer

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