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Revisit the Pokémon Resort with these 10 adorable details you might have missed in Pokémon Concierge

The Pokémon Company is continuing to reveal more content for its new animated series called Pokémon Concierge. Read on below to learn more:

With an abundance of cute Pokémon and settings, it’s impossible to catch every wholesome moment.

On December 28, 2023, Pokémon Concierge first welcomed guests to a shining green island—a paradise with no routines where visitors can be themselves. The four-episode stop-motion series available on Netflix takes its guests to a relaxing island resort where people and Pokémon enjoy a much-needed break from the stress of their lives. Although the episodes are short—ranging from 14 to 20 minutes—they’re packed with wholesome, slice-of-life moments. Even if you’ve already watched all four episodes, the chances are good that you missed something that will deepen your appreciation for this show.

While there are more Pokémon Concierge episodes in development, it doesn’t hurt to rewatch the first four episodes during the wait. Keep an eye out for these details during your next visit to the Pokémon Resort!


The Wingull in the Pokémon Concierge logo might be a little more obvious than the other moments on this list. After all, the logo does appear at the beginning of each episode. But there’s something so breezy about the Wingull poised just above the show’s title! It almost feels like a harbinger of the fresh sea breeze and hypnotic ebb and flow of waves that we’ll find in abundance at the Pokémon Resort.


The Pokémon Resort is a revelation, filled with so many incredible Pokémon-themed details that it’s impossible to call them all out. But one of the first details in the introductory episode (“I’m Haru, the New Concierge!”) is a rich Pokémon tapestry decorating a column at the resort’s front desk. A highly stylized design with Ursaring, Venusaur, Charizard, Stantler, and countless other Pokémon adorns the column. If that doesn’t inspire a Pokémon Resort style trend, we don’t know what will.


The interior of the Pokémon Resort isn’t the only area with incredibly cool Pokémon-themed decor. The Wailord mural painted by the resort’s talented employee Alisa perfectly captures the spirit of the resort, celebrating its proximity to the water. And while we don’t actually see a Wailord until the final episode—and then only briefly—the impact the mural makes is powerful.


Haru’s Pokémon-patterned tropical shirt doesn’t exactly qualify as a detail that you would overlook while watching Pokémon Concierge. She wears the shirt in every single episode, and who can blame her? It’s fabulous. But did you take the time to closely examine the details? Oddish’s playful expression. Bellossom’s graceful stance. Haru’s shirt gives colorful vacation vibes in the best possible way.


While many of the resort’s Pokémon-themed decor elements are difficult to overlook, others are more subtle yet no less visually appealing. During Ms. Watanabe’s chat with Haru on her second day at the resort, Haru gets a little distracted by the playful Panpour, Pansage, and Pansear. As Haru turns her gaze upward, we get a stunning glimpse of a Milotic painting in the uppermost corner of the tent. If you’re focused on Ms. Watanabe, you might miss it, which would be a shame because the artwork is truly stunning.


If the Milotic painting is easy to overlook, the gray Magnemite on Haru’s creamsicle-colored laptop is even easier to miss. It’s so small, yet it’s difficult not to wonder at its significance. We know Haru has a fondness for at least one Electric-type Pokémon—she has an enthusiastic appreciation for Pikachu—but perhaps this Magnemite suggests a more general fondness for Electric-type Pokémon. Or maybe the implication is that Haru’s laptop is powered by energy generated by Magnemite! Admittedly this is all conjecture, but it’s still fun to think about how that tiny Magnemite silhouette fits within the world of Pokémon Concierge!


Throughout Pokémon Concierge, Haru spends a lot of time eating candy from a small pink tin. Mostly she seems to do this when stressed, but she also enjoys a bonding moment with Psyduck as it uses its telekinetic powers to float candy into the air for her to catch in her mouth. But we don’t get a close-up view of the tin until Psyduck loses control of those powers, causing the tin to rattle around the table. We get a glimpse of a visually rich logo featuring Pokémon including Pikachu and Pachirisu, further supporting the theory that Haru has a special connection with Electric-type Pokémon… Or maybe it’s just a really cool candy tin!


You’re never too old to cuddle up with a Pokémon plush, especially when you’re in a new, unfamiliar place—as Haru is after accepting a position as Pokémon concierge at the Pokémon Resort. On one of her first mornings on the island, Haru wakes up, suddenly remembers that she has a new job, and gleefully begins her day…after greeting her Gorebyss plush. We never learn whether Haru has a special fondness for the South Sea Pokémon, but it’s still a fun detail.


Magikarp’s floatie fix is one of the most wholesome moments in a show that’s sweeter than apple pie. In a futile effort to repair a deflated pool floatie for a Magikarp that can’t swim, Haru and Psyduck craft the most adorable bouquet of floaties you’ve likely ever seen. Will it help Magikarp swim? Probably not, given that the floatie at its heart is still deflated. And technically, the whole repair project ends up being irrelevant anyway since Magikarp evolves into a Gyarados that’s an extremely strong swimmer. But there’s something more to this bouquet littered with buttons and plastic shovels and flowers and driftwood: a sincerity that more than compensates for the fact that it can no longer float. And the rest of the Pokémon at the resort seem to feel the same way.


In the final moments of the final episode (“Welcome to the Pokémon Resort!”), as a cruise ship departs with a dozen Pikachu and their Trainers onboard, we get one final parting surprise: a bold pink Milotic on the side of the ship! That might just be the perfect branding for a ship that transports guests to the Pokémon Resort. And while it’s a bittersweet moment because it’s taking Pokémon that have become friends away, it’s difficult not to speculate about what Pokémon that same ship might bring to the resort in future episodes.

Can’t get enough Pokémon Concierge? Test your knowledge with the Pokémon Concierge quiz. And discover where you can watch more Pokémon animation on our Where to Watch page.

Pokémon Concierge | Official Trailer

Pack your bags—an all-new Pokémon paradise awaits! 🏝️

Introducing Pokémon Concierge, a new collaboration between Pokémon and Netflix featuring stop-motion animation by dwarf studio. Follow Haru, a worker at the Pokémon Resort, and Psyduck as they meet Pokémon and Trainers on vacation!

Source: The Pokémon Company


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