The samurai-era symbiote Kid Venom will step into the Marvel Universe in his first solo miniseries by Taigami, who created the character for a Marvel/Shonen Magazine contest in 2018. Kid Venom’s origin story was featured in four backup stories for Cullen Bunn and Gerardo Sandoval’s limited series Death of the Venomverse, which were collected in a one-shot to be released in January 2024 (see “New One-Shot Collects Kid Venom’s Story”).
That story was set in the year 977 and re-envisions the historical samurai Kintaro as a symbiote. The four-issue miniseries, also titled Kid Venom, expands his world to the present day and brings him into Earth-616, the main Marvel universe. The first issue will be released on April 17, 2024 from Marvel Comics, with a main cover by Taigami and a foil variant by Gerardo Sandoval.
Source: ICV2