Seven Seas will launch a new graphic novel series later this year by the creators of My Little Pony: The Manga. Coral’s Reef by David Lumsdon and Shiei, is a slice-of-beach-life story about a teenage sea sprite who lives in a seaside town and does normal teenage things like going to school, helping in her mother’s dress shop, surfing, and getting a crush on the new guy in town, although the budding romance is complicated by the fact that said new guy is a fire demon and is literally burning hot. The series is rated for ages 9 and up, and it looks like it would appeal to fans of Top Shelf’s Surfside Girls series, another beach story with a supernatural twist (see “‘Surfside Girls’ Debuts for Summer”). Seven Seas will publish the first volume of Coral’s Reef in October 2023 with an MSRP of $13.99.
Although the majority of their line is manga, Seven Seas has also been publishing middle-grade graphic novels, including last year’s Dungeon Crawler’s Academy (see “Seven Seas Goes Through the Portal to ‘Dungeon Crawlers Academy’”).
Source: ICV2