November 18, 2022 by Polar_Bear
Scorpions. Bees. Wasps. Fire ants. There’s plenty of bugs that can give you a nasty bite or sting in the world today. But what happens when they’re mutated by years of fallout? Well, you get Sting Wings, the terrifying new box set available for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare from Modiphius.
From the website:
This set is part of the FORGED IN THE FIRE wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare!
Stingwings are giant, mutated flies, born of the Great War. They are distant cousins to the modern scorpionfly, but much larger, with a vicious sting in their tail. They are relatively fragile, but tend to travel in swarms which can be more than a match for even well armed parties. These beasts are even deadlier when defending their nests, when they exhibit a terrifying level of ferocity.
Look out for the other miniature sets in the Forged in the Fire wave!
Source: Tabletop Gaming News