Here is where you can find a list of issues currently being investigated by our engineering team. This list will be updated regularly, and issues will be added and removed as they are discovered and resolved. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all issues we are aware of or working to fix. You can find the list of known issues related to GO Battle League here.
To report a bug that isn’t listed here, or get one on one support, please submit a ticket in-app under the Settings menu, or see our article on how to best contact us for different issues.
Last updated: April 5, 2022
Team GO Rocket balloons do not appear for Trainers using Android OS 6 or 7.
Issue description: 
Trainers who are on devices that use versions of Android OS 6 or 7 do not encounter Team GO Rocket balloons.
Issue status: Resolved in release (0.233.1)
The number of candy needed to evolve some Pokémon is visually obscured.
Issue description: 
For Pokémon that can be evolved after trading, the number of Candy needed to evolve them is overlaid with an incorrect number. However, this issue is only a visual bug. The correct number of Candies will be consumed upon evolution.
Issue status: Resolved in upcoming release (0.235). In the meantime, if you have difficulty reading the correct number, please reach out to our support team and we can help.

Notification rings are visible outside Map View.
Issue description: 
When Trainers enter a Pokémon encounter or battle in GO Battle League, sometimes the notification rings from features such as a Global Challenge Arena bonus are still visible.
Issue status: Investigating

In-game notifications and Team GO Rocket balloons may not appear for some Trainers.
Issue description:
 Some Trainers are not receiving in-game notifications such as raid invitations and do not encounter Team GO Rocket balloons.
Issue status: Investigating. If Trainers open all Gifts they have received, this may resolve the issue in the meantime.
Some weather-related visual effects have been disabled.
Issue description: Some weather-related visual effects such as rainy weather have been temporarily disabled as we investigate a bug.
Issue status: Investigating
Trainers have recurring issues with Adventure Sync on iOS devices.
Issue description:
 Trainers may experience issues enabling or disabling Adventure Sync, or may experience inaccurate distance tracking.
Issue status: Mitigated in release. Reinstalling your application and re-enabling all permissions in device and application settings may help resolve further issues.