Comixology Originals has announced Love and War, a new comic book series set in the competitive world of varsity Tug-of-War. Written by Andrew Wheeler and featuring art by Killian Ng and Guillermo Saavedra, letters by Aditya Bidikar and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, colors by C.R. Chua and edits by Allison O’Toole, Love and War issue #1 (of 5) debuts on April 12, 2022 from comixology Originals.
Welcome to the Aster Academy School for Arts and Sport, where Tug-of-War is the game of champions. This year the varsity Tug-of-War Team is determined to win against their rivals Kingdom College. Thanks to Coach Toth, whose motto is “Excellence, Commitment, Determination, Passion,” Domo, a shy, heavy-set boy, is named the new co-captain of the Aster Academy team. Can Domo help lead his team to victory while he struggles with his feelings for ambitious rival Gabriel and new recruit Emil? Will his co-captain, Jocasta, a serious athlete who will stop at nothing to prove she’s the best, help or hinder their chances? And in the end, will Domo rise to the challenge of captain, or do his real strengths lie elsewhere?
Dark Horse will publish Love and War in print for the first time this September. Love and War [Dark Horse Books / 136 pages / color / on sale September 20, 2022 / MSRP $19.99/$25.99 / ISBN 978 1 50672805-6]. The book is available for pre-order at, Barnes & Noble and your local comic shop.
Source: Graphic Policy