DC has announced a new series, Aquaman & The Flash: Voidsong from Collin Kelley, Jackson Lanzing, Vasco Georgiev, and Rain Beredo. The three issue miniseries launches in June and will be collected in paperback on October.
They descend suddenly from the stars, in monumental ships like floating cathedrals. They are touched by a dark and terrible force from beyond our reality, silent but for the one note they emit that freezes all motion. Their mission: to drain the Earth of all its kinetic energy and leave it a lifeless husk!
What the mysterious attackers didn’t count on is the Flash who was in the Speed Force when Earth was struck and Aquaman who was in a deep ravine far below the ocean’s floor. Though they’ve fought side by side, these two hereoes have little in common.
Aquaman & The Flash: Voidsong debuts with a 56-page first issue and a main cover by Jay Anacleto and open to order variant by Georgiev. It launches on June 21st!
Source: Graphic Policy