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HomeMiniature WargamesGoatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Mean, Stompy Grey Knights

Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Mean, Stompy Grey Knights

Goatboy here and I’ve got a shiny grey idea for using Grey Knights at the NOLA GW GT. Take a look.

I’ve always wanted to play 6 Dreadknights in a list.  I have written a few 4 Dreadknights lists but never have I set up to get a 6 Dreadknight list going.  Lucky for me a local buddy had 4 laying around, I had one that just needed a sword, and a local shop had one available for me to purchase.  This meant my dumb dream can happen, I can get this all built-in time for the New Orleans GW event, and I can complete my dream of baby carriers winning a few games.

Of course this meant I needed to build a list and figure out how I can get it to run.  The list will be at the end but I wanted to go over some things I plan on making before I jump in a car and drive down to New Orleans for some 40k mayhem.  The first thing I plan on doing is creating little model cards for each of my characters.  Each one has to be from a different brotherhood so I want to make sure I have all the little options on each card, warlord traits, spells, etc to make sure I don’t screw the pooch too badly when shoving these baby carriers around.

I want to make them cool and build out some designs like I did in the past with my flying circus.  There is obviously a lot less random nature in this army but it will let me build something cool and unique for my army.  As I work on them I will showcase them on BoLS so you can see the army.  I will probably throw a template up if people want to do their own etc.  This means naming each one maybe coming up with a back story of why I have 3 Dreadknight Grandmasters and 3 regular Dreadknights.

From there I need to also build some tokens to show auras, buff spells, and other fun things.  This will make sure I don’t forget things as I shuffle around the table and marvel at my army being able to see thru to the terrain base and the mat below.  I am excited to try the army out on here even though I expect to be frustrated by not being able to shunt around the table nearly as much.  Oh, and of course losing to Abhor the Witch as all my guys love their brain bullets.

Anyway here is the initial Tournament list I wrote out.

Goatboy’s Initial NOLA List – aka Dreadknights – EFF IT!

Brotherhood – Prescient Brethren
-Grey Knight Patrol- -2CP
Brotherhood – Prescient Brethren

Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight Armor – Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Psychic – Vortex of Doom, Warp Shaping – 220pts

Grey Knight Strike Squad X 5 – Nemesis Force Swords X 4, Psycannon – 115pts

-Grey Knight Patrol – 0CP
Brotherhood – Rapiers

Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight Armor – Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Psychic – Gate of Infinity, Vortex of Doom, Warlord – First into the Fray, Warlord (-1CP) – Unyielding Anvil, Wisdom – Servant of the Throne – 220pts
Brotherhood Chaplain – Words of Power, Psychic – Gate of Infinity – 110pts

Strike Squad X 10 – Nemesis Force Sword X 9, Nemesis Daemon Hammer – 230pts

Inceptor Squad X 10 – Nemesis Force Sword X 10 – 240pts

-Grey Knight Spearhead – -3CP

Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight Armor – Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Psychic – Empyric Amplification, Gate of Infinity – 220pts
Brother Captain – Warp Shaping, Relic – Fury of Deimos – 110pts
Nemesis Dreadknight – Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Personal Teleporter – 185pts
Nemesis Dreadknight – Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Personal Teleporter – 185pts
Nemesis Dreadknight – Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis Greatsword, Personal Teleporter – 185pts

PTS 1995 CP: +6

Dreadtastic Tactics

This is a pretty simple army full of giant robots, 25 troop-like bodies, and then a few characters.  Will it work?  Probably not but it will look cool as heck.  I got my first one almost done (need to finish the base) and it has a giant Imperial Knight Chainsword as the replacement Great Sword.  I plan on painting each of the brotherhoods a bit differently as well as having basing markers to help with the smaller stuff.  Again it should go into the character setup of all these guys running around in Robots.

I plan on running 3 Brotherhoods with one being obviously set up to do well with the Dreadknights and their vehicle nature (Swordbearers), a beat-em-up option in the Rapiers, and then figuring out whatever other brotherhood I might like.  It is most likely Prescient Brethren as I can set up some fun CP regrowing with a Warlord trait if I want.  It is really dependent if I can figure out a cheap Character that can sit around wasting time trying to get me Extra CPs.  Initially, it isn’t set up that way – but it feels like the list gets CP hungry so I might have to shift it or two.

~We Are The Hammer!

Source: Bell of Lost Souls

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