Clads itself in the souls of comrades that perished before fulfilling their goals of journeying upstream. No other species throughout all Hisui’s rivers is Basculegion’s equal.
Type: Water/Ghost
Category: Big Fish
Ability: Rattled, where Dark-, Ghost-, and Bug-type moves scare the Pokémon and boost its Speed stat. Or Adaptability, which powers up moves of the same type as the Pokémon.
Hidden Ability: Mold Breaker, where moves can be used on the target regardless of its Abilities.
Weaknesses: Grass, Electric, Ghost and Dark
Resistances: Poison, Fire, Ice, Steel, Water and Bug
Immunity: Normal and Fighting
Evolution: Basculegion evolves from White-Striped Basculin after losing at least 294 HP from recoil damage.
Height: 9′ 10″ Weight: 242.5 lbs