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Official Starcraft board games are coming – here’s where to watch live reveals

Huge news for fans of classic PC real time strategy games, tabletop plastic figures, and dice-chucking: an official, Blizzard licensed Starcraft Tabletop Miniatures Game is coming next year, with boxed board games to follow in 2027! Details are scant, but we’ll apparently be able to learn more in a live developer AMA next week – read on to find when and where you can watch it.

Polish tabletop developer Archon Studio announced the Starcraft TMG in a tantalizingly brief online statement on Wednesday, confirming precisely four things, and no more:

  • The miniature wargame is scheduled to launch in 2026.
  • The board games (plural) will come out in 2027.
  • Both will feature all three main Starcraft factions: Terrans, Protoss, and Zerg.
  • The studio will run a live video AMA session next week to answer fan questions about the project(s).

Starcraft The Miniatures Games and Board games reveal - Archon Studio graphic showing a Terran marine, zerg and protoss faces, and the game title, 3d renders of miniatures

We don’t know exactly how deep Archon CEO Jarek Ewertowski and Community Specialist Szymon Ewertowski are going to go with their answers in their AMA session, but it seems like a fair bet that we’ll get something a bit meatier than the Wednesday announcement.

Archon Studios’ Starcraft Tabletop Miniatures Game live AMA starts at 2pm ET / 11am PT / 6pm GMT on Thursday, April 3, 2025. Hop back to this page at this time, and you can watch the stream via YouTube below.

YouTube Thumbnail

With the Starcraft TMG a year away, we wouldn’t necessarily have expected to see finished or painted models – and we don’t – but the announcement graphics do show 3D renders for miniatures of Jim Raynor, Sarah Kerrigan a.k.a. the Queen of Blades, and the Protoss leader Artanis.

As an unquestioned permanent fixture in our list of the best RTS games ever made, it’s honestly pretty surprising Starcraft hasn’t been made into a tabletop wargame before now – but we won’t look a gift Zerg in the mandibles, and it’s an exciting prospect. Archon Studio seems a promising enough home for it, too – its Heroes of Might and Magic 3 board game has a solid 7.9 average review on Boardgamegeek.

Whether the eventual boxed games could be contenders for our list of the best board games ever made is a very different question, and one we can’t answer until 2027 – but at the very least, I’ll be jazzed to spend some of my miniature painting time next year on iconic characters from a videogame series I always loved the look of, but was never remotely good at.

Source: Wargamer

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