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HomeNewsComic Book NewsWe’re Taking Everyone Down With Us #1 delivers an intriguing, exciting, and...

We’re Taking Everyone Down With Us #1 delivers an intriguing, exciting, and sad, start

We're Taking Everyone Down With Us #1

After her mad-scientist father is killed by the world’s greatest spy, 13-year-old Annalise is left all alone in the world. Sort of. Her dead dad’s robot bodyguard is following her around for some reason. Now Annalise has a choice: try to lead a normal life for the first time ever…or seek revenge and maybe overthrow the world order in the process. We’re Taking Everyone Down With Us #1 delivers an excellent start that feels like a love letter to pulp adventures and plays with the heart.

Written by Matthew Rosenberg, We’re Taking Everyone Down With Us #1 is another home run debut. The issue is an interesting one, focusing in on a young girl who is disconnected from her father. There’s teases that he might not be the best person in the world for multiple reasons, but it’s a focus that tugs at heart strings.

Rosenberg makes it hard to not feel for Annalise. Her loneliness and feel of rejection is hard to not connect with and as a parent, hard to not feel anger on her behalf. It’s a villains story from the perspective of the villain’s neglected child.

Stefano Landini‘s art is perfect for this story so far. With color by Ramon Titov and Jason Wordie and lettering by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, the issue captures both its pulp sci-fi roots but also has a haunting sadness to it that plays into Annalise’s loneliness. The designs feel like it plays off of some of the classic mad scientist stories of the past with images that feel both fresh and familiar. The style is an exciting one that feels like it fits so well with the many different aspects of the story.

We’re Taking Everyone Down With Us #1 is a fantastic debut exceeding the high bar we expected with a debut from Rosenberg. There’s so much teased and thrown into this single issue and it does an amazing job of introducing this world and these characters without dumbing it down. This is sure to be another hit series and one we’re excited to see what comes next.

Story: Matthew Rosenberg Art: Stefano Landini
Color: Ramon Titov, Jason Wordie Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou Design: Becca Carey
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy

Image Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicsKindle

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Source: Graphic Policy

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