Games Workshop has revealed a new army set for the Space Wolves in Warhammer 40k, bringing updated models for classic units as well as an all new elite infantry squad. This will be the first part of a larger range refresh for the Vlka Fenryka, and the new models are a promising sign that the design studio has focused on the viking side of their aesthetic, rather than the side that likes to dress up as wolves.
Of all the Space Marine chapters, the Space Wolves have had the hardest time adapting to the new Primaris marines: the chapter didn’t take it well in the lore, and their existing Warhammer 40k model range has clashed with the new Primaris aesthetic.
More than almost any other chapter, Space Wolves treat the Codex Astartes less as a sacred text or font of military expertise, and more as a particularly fancy wad of toilet paper. Their forces include many variant units not seen anywhere else, and they’ve always had models to match.
When new Primaris Space Marine models released, the Space Wolf-specific parts of their range lagged behind, and clashed hugely with the ultra-clean look of the core Primaris range. There was a real question as to whether or not the Space Wolf elements would be updated, or simply dropped. We now know that at least some of those classic units are being updated.
The Space Wolves army set will contain:
- Limited edition Space Wolves codex
- Blood Claws x 10
- Grey Hunters x 10
- Wolf Priest
- Wolf Guard Battle Leader
- Headtakers x 3
- Fenrisian Wolves x 3
The Livestream announcing the new boxed set revealed some interesting details of how these units will function in the Space Wolves’ new Warhammer 40k codex. On the tabletop, Blood Claws and Grey Hunters are loosely equivalent to Assault Intercessors and Intercessors respectively. But there are some differences, both from their codex compliant brethren, and from the rules for their older models.
All Space Wolves wearing Mk X Tacticus Space Marine armor will have a movement speed of 7″, putting them on par with the zippy Emperor’s Children. The Blood Claws’ gain a rule from the Assault Intercessors, letting them reroll wound rolls of one in melee, or all wound rolls against targets holding an objective.
The new Grey Hunters will be equipped with chainswords and three-shot bolt carbines. They will also have a crazy high objective control score of three, reflecting their role as the cool, dependable core of the otherwise ultra-aggressive army
The new Primaris Wolf Priest will be the first new model for this important Space Wolves character in decades. As befits its lore, a combination of spiritual guide and medical expert, it will combine abilities from both the Apothecary and Chaplain, able to return destroyed models to its bodyguard unit, and to enhance their combat power with Litanies of Hate.
The Wolfguard Battle Leader is a new name for an old concept, a veteran from a jarl’s inner circle delegated to lead a war party. He will be able to lead the Blood Claws, Grey Hunters, or the new Headtakers.
Though Headtakers have a new name, they fit into the old lore just fine – they’re aggressive Wolfguard who favor melee combat. The squad comes with three new models Fenrisian wolves, which will apparently fight as a distinct unit on the battlefield.
Like Bladeguard veterans, Headtakers can be equipped with master-crafted power weapons and shields. Unlike Bladeguard veterans, they can choose to ditch the shield, to get a total of six attacks. Even less like Bladeguard veterans, they can declare a ‘Quarry’ unit, against which they have Precision Attacks and Devastating Wounds. And once their Quarry is slain, they can pick another.
Perhaps the most exciting part of this announcement is what wasn’t revealed. The hosts on the livestream confirmed that more Space Wolves characters and units are coming down the pipe. The Space Wolves range contains many plastic kits that were released during seventh edition 40k, and they’re long due an update.
To be clear, they were good model designs for their time, but they’ve aged like milk. The brakes came off the wolf train during seventh edition, and everything in the Space Wolf range was either named after a wolf, looked like a wolf, or rode on a wolf. Oh, and there’s Logan Grimnir, riding in a cyber chariot pulled by cyber wolves.

Maybe it’s just better sculpting technology, or the choice of units being updated, but the newly revealed kits have more of the Viking aesthetic seen in the Horus Heresy era Space Wolves kits.
I’m not above a little bit of silliness in 40k, and I honestly love concepts like Space Marines riding on giant wolves – if it would work on a a power metal album cover, it would work in 40k. But it’s all about execution, and these new Space Wolves have finally earnt their reputation as the Emperor’s Executioners. I’ve got my fingers crossed that the rest of their range kicks ass as hard as this first wave does.
Warhammer 40k wasn’t the only system to get a massive reveal at Adepticon – have you seen the new Warhammer the Old World Cathay army?
Source: Wargamer