With Adepticon approaching this Wednesday, fans of miniature wargames can expect game publishers to make plenty of announcements about their line up for the coming year. It’s been over six months since Atomic Mass Games lass updated the Star Wars Shatterpoint release roadmap: here’s what I want to see for the game this year.
Atomic Mass Games last updated the release roadmap for Star Wars Shatterpoint in July 2024. We’re getting near to the end of what the firm showed off back then, with Rogue One themed releases coming out until the end of the Summer. I don’t have any clues about what’s coming next – but that’s not going to stop me dreaming.
If you’re into Star Wars on the tabletop, make sure you check out Wargamer’s guide to the best Star Wars board games.
New starter sets
Shatterpoint is a fantastic game that isn’t as widely played as it deserves to be, and I think one reason for that is the lack of good entry products for new players. I want new, single-player starter sets, so it’s easier to get new people playing.
The Core Set is reasonably priced for what it contains, but it’s not cheap, particularly outside the USA. The price has to account for the full set of terrain the set contains, plus twice as many models as a player actually needs to field a force. It’s not a great value proposition for a player who wants to join a play group at a club or store that already has an established set of terrain.
Admittedly, buying a couple of squad packs and some measuring tools isn’t the most expensive way to get started in a wargame. But a new starter set can offer better discounts because it bundles content, and is produced in higher volumes. It can also be tailored to offer a smooth onboarding experience for new players.
And with two years of releases, there are so many great themes to explore, from the Galactic Rebellion to the spin-off movies and TV shows, which will appeal to players who don’t love the Clone Wars focused Core Set.

Sequel Trilogy Minis
The sequel films may be divisive – it seems like no-one enjoys all three of them. But that strikes me as all the more reason to translate their characters to the tabletop: if you don’t like how Luke or Rey’s story ended, there’s no better way to change it than with a tabletop fight.
I’m a crusty old fan who grew up on home VHS tapes of the Original Trilogy, and I’d love to get models of Luke and Leia who look as old as I feel. And there’s a whole new generation of fans out there who would love minis of Kylo Ren, General Hux, or that one foolish New Order stormtrooper armed with an electrostaff.
Shatterpoint has already got great miniatures based on The Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, The Original Trilogy, and Rogue One. The Sequel Trilogy is the natural next place to go – unless they’re going to get really out there and start delving into Shadows of the Empire and its ilk. I’m not sure the tabletop is ready for Dash Rendar, though.
More stuff from Jabba’s palace
When I was a kid, I rewatched Return of the Jedi until the tape started to degrade. Jabba’s Palace is etched into my mind, from the Gamorrean Guards to Malakili the Rancor keeper. So while I’m glad that the Fearless and Inventive squad pack exists for Shatterpoint, letting me field Leia and Lando in rescue mission disguise, I really want to see more of the baddies.
The challenge here would be finding a Primary unit to lead the squad. Much as I love Jabba, I can’t work out how he would fit into Shatterpoint’s incredibly kinetic gameplay. Another version of Boba Fett might work, but his main achievement in Return of the Jedi was falling into the Sarlac pit. Jabba’s diplomat, the Twi’lek Bib Fortuna, didn’t really do anything except get his mind controlled by Luke. I’m not sure if Salacious Crumb is even sentient…
Okay, I think I see why there isn’t a squad pack for Jabba’s palace now. Still, this is a wishlist – a nerd can dream!
It’s a good time for Star Wars tabletop fans. Atomic Mass Games has just released excellent new miniatures for Imperial Stormtroopers and Rebel Troopers – you can learn more in this article. And if you’re into the Star Wars Unlimited card game, we’ve spotted a great deal here.
Source: Wargamer