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HomeNewsGames NewsMTG Edge of Eternities release date, Commander decks, and latest news

MTG Edge of Eternities release date, Commander decks, and latest news

What is the MTG Edge of Eternities release date? The fourth major Magic: The Gathering release of 2025 takes us to a whole new setting: space! That’s right, it’s a Magic space opera, featuring high-tech ships, fascinating planets, and graceful space beasts. As of February 21, Wizards has revealed new details for Edge of Eternities, including two Commander decks – you can read it all below, along with the official release date, story info, and more.

To see where this set fits in the overall calendar, you should also check out the MTG release schedule. You can also check out the latest clans v. dragons spoilers in our MTG Tarkir Dragonstorm guide – and, if you hadn’t heard, 2025’s mystery Universes Beyond set is confirmed as MTG Avatar The Last Airbender – click that link for all the latest info.

MTG art showing a planet and a warrior

MTG Edge of Eternities release date

MTG Edge of Eternities releases on August 1, 2025. That’s the global release date, when it’ll be on the shelves available to buy at all retailers, but the truly keen will be able to get their hands on the cards a little earlier.

That’s because Local Game Stores run prerelease events the week before a new MTG set releases. So the first day that Edge of Eternities cards will actually be purchasable is July 25. We should see spoilers flying thick and fast about a month before the set drops, so keep your eyes on the skies come early July.

MTG art showing tezzeret blowing up a planet. Naughty Tezzeret, bad!

MTG Edge of Eternities news and spoilers

Wizards confirmed two major bits of Edge of Eternities news in its Magic Con Chicago livestream on February 21: it showed off two of the set’s Commander decks (more details below) – and it dropped the tantalizing hint that this set will contain “spacecraft Commanders”.

We’re not sure yet whether that means MTG Commanders who are also commanders of spacecraft, or Legendary Creature cards who are themselves spacecraft – but we really hope it’s the latter.

MTG Edge of Eternities release date guide - Wizards of the Coast card art for the planeswalker Tezzeret, Cruel Captain

We also got a closer look at Edge of Eternities’ returning major villain, the MTG planeswalker Tezzeret. We already knew he was the set’s Big Bad – Edge of Eternities’ initial promotional images show him floating rather imposingly in the void – but Magic Con Chicago showed us at least one new variant of him: Tezzeret, Cruel Captain. Its card art, above, shows him sprawled imperiously in a big gold space throne.

MTG Edge of Eternities release date guide - Wizards of the Coast card art for Windswept Bastion, showing huge bar like structures in space, and a black hole

Edge of Eternities story

We don’t know a heck of a lot of the Edge of Eternities storyline, except that it’s set in the Blind Eternities, the space between planes where the Eldrazi come from.

Wizards’ Magic Con Chicago stream in February adds a touch more detail, with the official press release revealing that the set will see us “chart a course through the Sothera system to explore distant planets, wield dazzling magic, and wage war with alien factions.”

“Vast interstellar powers” are also reportedly “[marshaling] great forces as they attempt to command the stars” – so there’s a decidedly warlike theme of clashing empires here. It looks like we can expect more Star Wars than Star Trek in Magic’s version of space exploration – while it has spaceships with guns that can blow up a planet, Edge of Eternities also has magic and laser swords.

MTG concept art showing two aliens

While Magic: The Gathering has dipped its toe into space (not to be advised) before with the joke unset Unfinity, it’s a pretty unusual genre for a serious mainline Magic set to tackle – a big departure from the game’s classic fantasy roots.

That’s why Wizards of the Coast is taking pains to stress the points of continuity, that this set is science fantasy not hard sci-fi, and that its worldbuilding team has pulled out all the stops to make Edge of Eternities fit within the wider Magic universe (it should be an easier sell than the upcoming Spiderman release at any rate) 

MTG Edge of Eternities release date - Wizards of the Coast card artwork, overlaid with product images for the two Edge of Eternities Commander decks

Edge of Eternities Commander decks

MTG Edge of Eternities will release with at least two Commander decks, titled World Shaper and Counter Intelligence. Wizards of the Coast revealed the two new Commander precons during its Magic Con Chicago livestream on Friday, February 21, 2025.

Their MTG color combinations are Black/Red/Green (World Shaper) and Blue/Red/White (Counter Intelligence).

Here’s what we know about the Edge of Eternities Commander decks:

Deck name Color combination Strategy summary
World Shaper Black/Red/Green Sacrifice Lands; grow back stronger
Counter Intelligence Blue/Red/White Boost attacks; proliferate counters

We don’t yet know if there are more unrevealed EDH decks still to come for Edge of Eternities, but, since Tarkir: Dragonstorm is getting a mighty five when it arrives in May, we live in hope.

We’ve still a long way to go before Edge of Eternities arrives. Check out the other sets coming first, like Magic: The Gathering Final Fantasy – or check out our tracker of the most expensive MTG cards in the world.

Source: Wargamer

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