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HomeTabletop RPGDungeons & DragonsGet 46 books of DnD random tables for every setting imaginable, only...

Get 46 books of DnD random tables for every setting imaginable, only $18

Being a DM for DnD is a fantastically creative and fulfilling hobby, but boy, oh boy, can it also be a massive chore. Building a deep, satisfying, and varied campaign for your players is a ton of work, so there’s no shame (and often huge benefit) in using quality third party resources to generate settings, NPCs, and quests to fill out your game. Good news, then, that this new Humble Bundle offers a ridiculous 46 books full for just 18 bucks.

As a Dungeon Master, the core DnD books can only take you so far. The Player’s Handbook explains how the DnD classes and DnD races work, while the Dungeon Master’s Guide and Monster Manual help you shape your group’s adventure and the baddies they’ll fight in it. They’ll even give you ideas for big, set-piece moments and themes to drive your campaign.

But a high-minded overarching narrative and a few epic scenes alone do not a memorable DnD campaign make! You need varied, engaging encounters, locations, characters, and quests in between, to flesh out the world and give parties more opportunities to bond.

This is where random generation tables can help – and Humble’s More Tabletop & RPG Resources bundle has enough to last you several lifetimes, courtesy of master table-compilers Dicegeeks.

Need to cook up some new DnD cities to explore? Matt Davids’ Fantasy Towns: 50 Towns and Cities for Fantasy Tabletop Role-Playing Games, included in the bundle, has you covered. The book provides a full list of half a hundred unique cities, each set up with detailed information on its government, economy, population, notable figures and landmarks, and of course, relevant quests.

For example, take the port city of Asterleigh, a conclave of cyclopean crags and crevasses created by 5e dwarfs and 5e gnomes. Bars filled with working-class dwarves making merry, colleges of gnomes studying new technologies for mining, and mysterious sunken warships populate this gritty settlement. Don’t like it? There are 49 others to try instead!

DND random dice tables humble bundle - Dicegeeks artwork showing a map of the city of Asterleigh

Once you’ve got a city, it’s time to do stuff in it. For Asterleigh, players may want to grab the Book of Random Tables: Treasure Hoards for all the precious coins, gems, and artifacts hidden in the depths of the city mines. Dig too deep, and the Book of Random Tables: Eldritch provides the DM with a laundry list of occult items to curse and otherwise make the party’s day very bad indeed.

Most of the other books center around lists and tables detailing random encounters, interesting NPC names, and unique items from a plethora of settings. Whether it’s classic sword-and-board antics and fantasy dungeon crawls, the far reaches of space, the old West, or the swingin’ 60s, there’s a book here that fills that role perfectly. Ultimately, these books can help DMs overcome creative blocks and focus on the parts they truly want.

Here are some other books worth checking out in the MORE Tabletop & RPG Resources Humble Bundle:

  • The Book of Random Tables: Quest Series
  • The Book of Random Tables: Dungeons
  • The Game Master’s Terrain Guide: How to Use Wetlands, Forests, and
  • Mountains in Fantasy Role-Playing Games
  • The King’s Road: An Epic Campaign for Fantasy Tabletop Role Playing Games
  • The Book of Random Tables: Steampunk

The MORE Tabletop & RPG Resources bundle is available until Thursday, February 27, 2025. Money raised through this bundle will go towards Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, an organization dedicated to researching cures for critical diseases and providing life-saving treatment for children in need.

If you’re after a few more pointers to help you ease into DM life, try the tips in our beginner Dungeon Master guide – or see what we thought of Wizards of the Coast’s latest rulebook on the subject, in Mollie’s painstaking DnD Dungeon Master’s Guide 2024 review.

There’s also a fair few other lovelies coming to Dungeons and Dragons this year, so check out our DnD release schedule to see what dates and titles to add to your calendar.

Oh, and to stay up to date with the biggest DnD news every day – from new releases, to community creations, to stand-out deals like this one – make sure you follow Wargamer on Google News.

Source: Wargamer

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