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HomeNewsPokéPeace video: Tandemaus are officially part of the family

PokéPeace video: Tandemaus are officially part of the family

The Pokémon Company is continuing to release adorable Pokémon-themed videos aimed at young Pokémon fans:

【公式】ポケピース こうしてワッカネズミがあたらしい”なかま”になりました!

【公式】ポケピース なんとそこにはワッカネズミの屋根裏部屋が! どうやら勝手に住みついていたみたい。

[Official] PokePeace The electricity in your house has gone out! What happens when you try to find the cause of the rustling noises…?

[Official] PokePeace WakkaNezumi also tried to imitate everyone else, but… Snap!

[Official] “PokéPeace” Wakkanezumi Profile Movie

A profile video of the new PokePeace member, the Wakka Mouse, has been released! The two share the bread together! Be sure to check out the official website! Official website:

・What is “PokePeace”? It’s a small town somewhere in the world. There is a shared house where Pokemon and humans gather. Here, life is relaxed and free. They take naps together and have parties on special days. The “peace” lives of Pokemon. Why not take a peek?

#Pokemon #Pocket Monsters #PokePeace

[Official] “PokéPeace” New Concept Movie

“Pokepeace” depicts the carefree and easy-going daily lives of eight Pokemon. For more information, check out the official website! Official website:

“Pokepeace” is a small town somewhere in the world. There is a shared house where Pokemon and humans gather. Life here is carefree and easy-going. They take naps together and have parties on special days. The “peace” lives of Pokemon. Why not take a peek?

#Pokemon #Pocket Monsters #Pokepeace

[Official] PokéPeace Stay warm and cozy at home And then a rat pops up somewhere…?

【公式】ポケピース ワッカネズミってどんなこ?


【公式】ポケピース たのしいおるすばん

[Official] PokePeace Various clouds, various ways of looking at them

【公式】ポケピース ほこほこあちあち焼き芋タイム

【公式】ポケピース おばけ…!?

【公式】ポケピース 病みつきジャストフィット

【公式】ポケピース こうしてミミッキュに、初めてのおともだちができました!

【公式】ポケピース みんなのぬいぐるみと……ミミッキュのぬいぐるみもできあがり!

【公式】ポケピース おれちゃった首は……にんげんに直してもらおう!

【公式】ポケピース その正体は…ミミッキュ!みんなに好かれようと、おしゃれをしようとしたみたいだけど……?

[Official] PokePeace Let’s make stuffed toys for everyone! Oh, what’s with that gaze…?

[Official] PokePeace I suddenly saw a stuffed animal and fell in love at first sight! What? There’s a strange one here…?

[Official] What is PokePeace Mahomele?
[Official] PokePeace What is Pichu?
[Official] PokePeace What is Nyaspur?
[Official] PokéPiece What is Rowlet?
[Official] PokePeace What is Scorbunny?
[Official] PokePeace What is Piplup?
[Official] What is PokePeace Pikachu?

Video: New Pokémon Kids TV song Count On Me features lots of Pikachu at GO Park in Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee

Video: New Pokémon Kids TV video features the Happy Birthday song

Video: New Pokémon Kids TV video features Rolling Poké Balls rhythm video

Video: New Pokémon Kids TV song features Combee, female Pikachu, Eevee, Flabébé, Bellossom, Roselia and Vespiquen

Video: New Pokémon Kids TV song features Butterfree fluttering about in the air, spreading lots of joy

Video: New Pokémon Kids TV song features Pokémon Pikaboo!

Video: New Pokémon Kids TV song features Kanto Pokémon that appear in Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee

Video: Picture book starring Pikachu and Squirtle now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Picture book starring Staravia, Mudkip and Meowth now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Pokémon Kids TV nursery rhyme stars helpless Magikarp

Videos: Official Pikachu mascot tours The Pokémon Company headquarters and embarks on an expedition for Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Pokémon Kids TV picture book features Totodile, Chikorita, Dunsparce and Cyndaquil

Video: Pokémon Kids TV picture book features Totodile, Chikorita, Dunsparce and Cyndaquil

Video: Experience Expedition Pikachu now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Videos: Official dance version of the catchy I Love Pikachu and Eevee song now available in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Pokémon Kids TV nursery rhyme stars sleeping Snorlax blocking a path

Video: Official Pikachu mascot talks about its Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Listen to the official Pokémon Lulling Lullaby on Pokémon Kids TV

Videos: Mary had a little lamb now available in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: The Forest of Reversals picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Videos: If You’re Happy and You Know It now available in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Official tutorial version of I Love Pikachu and Eevee now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Amefuri nursery rhyme now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Official Pikachu mascot learns about its Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Old MacDonald Had a Farm now playing in English and Japanese on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Spot the Pokémon game now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Song about the stuff you can do in Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu and Let’s Go Eevee now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Pikachu attends real-life wedding during Experience Expedition on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Official mascots for Pikachu and Geodude stretch with kids on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: The Night of the Shooting Star picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Urashima Tarō children’s song now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Agriculture nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Dunsparce’s Game of Tag picture book now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Japan Coast Guard Sea Edition of Experience Expedition Pikachu now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Light Up, Pikachu! guessing quiz now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Official mascots for Pikachu, Eevee, Slowpoke, Bewear, Mimikyu and Sudowoodo dance on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Experience Expedition Pikachu takes Pikachu to the Japan Coast Guard for Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Experience Expedition Pikachu visits Game Freak studio and Junichi Masuda for Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Hometown nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Three Blind Mice (Mouse Pokémon) now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Classical music medley featuring the Flight of Mewtwo now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Pikachu and Eevee visit YouTube Space in Tokyo for Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Sort and Classify game starring Eevee now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Yama No Ongaku nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Mysterious Taiko Pokémon Daisuki picture book now available on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: The Tortoise and the Hare nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV featuring Squirtle and Buneary

Video: Story of young female Trainer and her Rockruff now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Official Pikachu mascot visits the Tokyo Strawberry Park for Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Pokémon Chase guessing game now available for Pokémon Kids TV

Videos: Pokémon kids song “Flea Waltz” a.k.a Cat’s Polka, Chopsticks, La Chocolatera now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Mysterious Ghost Manor starring Mimikyu now playing on Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Official Pikachu mascot visits the DeNA Baystars baseball team for Pokémon Kids TV

Video: Momiji nursery rhyme now playing on Pokémon Kids TV


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