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HomeNewsGames NewsThe best Commanders from MTG Foundations and Jumpstart 2025

The best Commanders from MTG Foundations and Jumpstart 2025

Spoiler season for MTG Foundations is almost over, and what a lot of cards we’ve seen! While this set is intended mainly for Standard, there are a great many legendary creatures coming in Foundations and the attached Jumpstart set.

Of the roughly 40 new commanders coming out in the next couple of weeks, some stand tall and proud above the rest. Below you’ll find our picks for the best MTG commanders in the Foundations product line.

The MTG card Evereth

Evereth, Viceroy of Plunder

The Foundations Jumpstart set has a lot of commanders that work with particular MTG creature types, or are very obviously gunning for one particular strategy, so Evereth stands out as one of the more flexible new cards in the set.

For a Rakdos commander, there’s an awful lot of different angles you can lean on here, from a treasure theme, to aristocrats, or even voltron. While the sorcery speed limitation takes this down from ‘all-time great’ to just ‘very solid’, Evereth looks fun and interesting to build around. Winning the game by sacrificing your commander is also going to be a great moment.

The MTG card Shroofus Sproutsire

Shroofus, Sproutsire

The first saproling creature card, and it’s a doozy. With his goofy face and tiny stats, Shroofus may look harmless, but in a dedicated Saproling deck he’s absurd. All you need is a way to buff him up and land a hit, and you’re off to the races with an instant army that replenishes itself with each attack, or even grows exponentially

True, Shroofus will mostly see play in the 99 of other, multicolored decks, but he can make for a powerful commander all by himself.

The MTG card Niv-Mizzet, Visionary

Niv-Mizzet, Visionary

Niv-Mizzet is back and just as terrifying when he hits the table as ever! Whether you’re going infinite with the older version of Niv or turning Lightning Bolt into Ancestral Recall, this is going to be a really fun commander for any Izzet player. While he is a little bit on the expensive side, and likely to attract removal, it’s child’s play to use this dragon to gain as many cards as you could possibly need.

If you aren’t shut down by removal, your biggest problem playing Niv-Mizzet, Visionary is going to be decking yourself out. That card draw is not a ‘may’ ability, so to kill everyone else at the table, you’re going to need a plan B.

The MTG card Dionus

Dionus, Elvish Archdruid

Dionus, Elvish Archdruid is absolutely disgusting in a Tyvar the Bellicose or Lathril deck, but they’re still pretty powerful on their own. This creature doubles all your mana dorks and will help you buff up your entire army, giving elves a boost it absolutely did not need.

In a dedicated elf deck, Dionus is going to make you an absurd amount of mana and buff your entire team with extra stats and pseudo-vigilance. And that’s before we even go looking for cards that break it like the nameless Elvish Archdruid or Gilt-Leaf Archdruid.

The MTG card Gornog, the Red Reaper

Gornog, the Red Reaper

Cowards can’t block warriors! This Minotaur commander is more than just a meme. While you’re limited to only playing red cards, Gornog’s ability will make all your creatures very powerful and very hard to block, enabling a fun beatdown style of deck. If you like quick games, then Gornog is a great option for you.

A fun detail of this card is that changing creatures into cowards removes all other creature types, letting you wreck your opponents’ tribal strategies even while you deploy your own.

The MTG card General Kreat

General Kreat, The Boltbringer

If you’re playing goblins, General Kreat is Impact Tremors in your command zone. Just carry on playing your Krenkos and generating an enormous horde, and General Kreat will blast all your opponents to death. She even makes extra goblins for you.

Source: Wargamer

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