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HomeNewsGeneral NewsPreview: 'What If…? Galactus' One-Shots Covers

Preview: ‘What If…? Galactus’ One-Shots Covers

Publisher Description.  One of the most feared beings in all existence is actively recruiting.  This January, a new series of one-shots dares to ask the question: What if Galactus turned some of Marvel’s best and brightest heroes into his new cosmic heralds?

See Hulk, Gambit, Moon Knight, Rogue, and Spider-Gwen transformed by the power cosmic and tormented by new purpose in stories delivered by a lineup of superstar talent, including veteran Marvel talent and rising newcomers.  These once-familiar heroes will be outfitted with new cosmic looks designed by visionary Silver Surfer artist Ron Lim, and imbued with divine power upgrades from their master that will test their humanity!

What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1
Written by Mat Groom
Art by Lan Medina
Galactus has conscripted Earth’s strongest warrior – the Incredible Hulk – into his service.  But what will turn out to be the bigger mistake: trying to direct the fury of the Green Goliath… or giving the great mind of Bruce Banner a cosmic problem to solve?

What If…? Galactus Transformed Gambit? #1
Written by Josh Trujillo
Art by Manuel Garcia
Gambit is the most charismatic, most heroic and most capable thief on Earth – which is exactly how he grabs the attention of the Devourer of Worlds!  With the Power Cosmic flowing through his veins, Gambit is unstoppable, but is he clever enough to steal the unstealable?  Prepare for a heist, mon ami, one like the Multiverse has never seen before!

What If…? Galactus Transformed Moon Knight? #1
Written by Alex Segura
Art by Scot Eaton & Cam Smith
When Khonshu, the Moon God, and Galactus, the World-Devourer, clash, Moon Knight is caught in the middle!  To keep the peace, Moon Knight becomes the newest herald of Galactus – but his alters cause the Power Cosmic to manifest in startling new ways!  Unless Moon Knight can conquer his new powers – and a few former heralds – the Earth itself faces extinction!

What If…? Galactus Transformed Rogue? #1
Written by Ann Nocenti
Art by Stephen Byrne
When a young Rogue uses her mutant power to absorb the Silver Surfer’s Power Cosmic, the entire course of her storied history is forever changed!  Now the rebellious mutant has been blessed with unimaginable power – but also the burden of serving as Galactus’ new herald.  Rocket into space along with this iconic X-Man – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

What If…? Galactus Transformed Spider-Gwen? #1
Written by Kalinda Vasquez
Art by Daniel Picciotto
After coming to the aid of a wounded herald of Galactus, Spider-Gwen is empowered and enlisted in the service of the World-Devourer!  But despite her new role surveying the galaxy, Gwen can’t help her heroic streak.  So when she encounters a world reminiscent of her home, will she ally with its alien residents and attempt to battle one of the cosmos’ greatest forces?!

Check out the main covers by Ron Lim and preorder all five What If…? Galactus one-shots at your local comic shop today!

Click Gallery below for full-size images.

Source: ICV2

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