Fans of Warhammer 40k‘s most gorgeous and sharpest-cheekboned super-soldiers, rejoice: Games Workshop has just shown off two more brand new, custom Blood Angels kits coming soon: a caped primaris Sanguinary Priest (their version of an Apothecary) and a gloriously muscle-plated Captain.
The two shiny new Primaris sons of Sanguinius were revealed via GW’s Warhammer Community site on Monday, exactly one week after the firm unveiled a new Blood Angels Army Set focusing on the Death Company, featuring new models for classic Space Marine characters Chaplain Lemartes and Astorath the Grim. There’s a dramatic reveal video you can watch below, too.
As usual, GW doesn’t confirm any release dates or pricing for the two new Blood Angels characters – but it says they “will be released later this year, alongside the phenomenal new Codex Supplement and other upgraded Blood Angels”.
However, based on pricing for similar Space Marine chapter specific character kits like the Black Templars Marshal, we’d estimate they’ll each cost around $37-40 (£24-26).
The Sanguinary Priest – a Blood Angels-specific variant of the Space Marine Apothecary battlefield medic – looks a little less distinctive from the regular Apothecary sculpt, compared with its 2013 plastic predecessor, who had a fetching custom chain-sabre and held his chalice outstretched, rather than clamping it to his belt.
But you do appear to get two choices of helmetless head (each sporting suitably Blood Angel-y razor-sharp cheekbones, as well as the classic auspex-enhanced Apothecary helmet option) – plus a sculpted blood drop pauldron and a goblet detail on the right greave.
Like the Dark Angels Master Lazarus / Primaris Captain and Black Templars Marshal kits before it, The Blood Angels-specific Primaris Captain kit is rather more customized and decked out with drip and weapon options marking him out from heroes of other Warhammer 40k factions.
Obviously, the armor itself is custom made to look ripped, as Commander Dante and all self-respecting sons of Baal should be, plus the left pauldron gets a choice of three ostentatious decorations: winged chalice, blood-dripping wing, or a more traditional winged blood drop chapter symbol spread. There are tasteful little blood drop details on the right greave, backpack, chest, and guns.
Speaking of weapons, the Captain can take a Heavy Bolt Pistol or Inferno Pistol in his right hand, and a choice of Relic Blade, Chainsword, or Power fist – and you can build him either sword down, gun up, or sword up, gun outstretched.
Three head options shown off in Monday’s Warcom article let you have him traditionally helmeted, bare headed to show off his luscious locks, or with a sculpted golden faceplate, Sanguinary Guard style.

Naturally, we’ll keep you updated as soon as we know more about when these new sons of Baal will be coming out – as well as their promised Warhammer 40k codex. 40k seems to be back on the menu at GW right now, with Age of Sigmar 4th edition now fully operational, and the news that huge 10th edition sales in 2023 are powering a big global expansion plan for the company.
But we’re just as interested in the brilliant things our Warhammer 40,000 community is coming out with – just look at this fantastic Desolation Squad conversion we covered last week.
For daily updates on both new releases and awesome community stuff, bookmark our Warhammer 40k news page and follow Wargamer on Google News.
Source: Wargamer