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HomeTabletop RPGDungeons & DragonsHow all DnD 2024 feats have changed from fifth edition

How all DnD 2024 feats have changed from fifth edition

While Dungeons and Dragons’ 2014 feats were an optional rule that could easily be ignored, DnD 2024 feats play a much larger role in the new Player’s Handbook. Every character gains an origin feat at level one, and fighting styles are now a sub-category of feat. Everyone also gets an epic boon feat if they level up enough.

So far, Wizards of the Coast hasn’t shared too many details about how feats have changed (the big focus has been on DnD classes and DnD races). But we’ve had our hands on the 2024 Player’s Handbook for some time now, so we can tell you what One DnD feats will look like going forward.

DnD 2024 feats are now split into four categories:

There are 75 DnD feats in the 2024 Player’s Handbook:

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of a Bard

General feats

Ability score improvement

Works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 


The DnD Actor feat now has a prerequisite, so your character must be at least level four and have a Charisma of 13 to choose this option. You no longer need to have heard a creature making a sound for at least one minute before you can mimic them. Additionally, Insight checks to see through your imitation must now beat a difficulty class (8 plus your Charisma modifier and proficiency bonus) instead of besting your Deception roll. 


Athlete also has a prerequisite, meaning you can’t take it unless your character is level four and has a Strength or Dexterity of 13+. Otherwise, it works the same as it did in previous fifth edition DnD books


Similarly, you also need a Strength or Dexterity of 13+ and four levels under your belt to choose the Charger feat. Charger now buffs your Strength or Dexterity by one point, but it no longer lets you make a bonus action attack.

Instead, taking the Dash action increases your speed by ten feet for that action. If you move ten feet in a straight line before making a successful melee attack roll, you can apply one of the following bonuses once per turn:

  • 1d8 extra damage for the attack
  • Push your target up to 10 feet away (if it’s no more than one size larger than you) 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of a Halfling family sharing a meal


Has a prerequisite of level four, but otherwise works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 

Crossbow Expert

Crossbow Expert now requires your character to be at least level four and have a Dexterity stat of 13+. It now buffs your Dexterity by one, and while the core mechanics are very similar, Wizards has used more specific wording to make tweaks to this feat.

You still ignore the loading property of crossbows. The feat now specifies that you can load ammunition even if you don’t have a free hand. Crossbow Expert still removes disadvantage on attack rolls within five feet of an enemy, but only for crossbows rather than all ranged attacks.

Finally, when you make an extra attack with a crossbow that has the Light property, you can add your ability modifier to the damage – provided you aren’t already adding that modifier through other means. 


Has a prerequisite of level four, but otherwise works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of adventurers battling skeletons

Defensive Duelist

Defensive Duelist now increases your Dexterity score by one. The feat now specifies that the armor class bonus given to you by your reaction lasts until the start of your next turn. 

Dual Wielder

Dual Wielder has a prerequisite that means your character must be level four and have a Strength or Dexterity score of 13+. It also now buffs your Strength or Dexterity by one, but you no longer get an armor class bonus when wielding two weapons.

Additionally, you no longer seem to be able to wield two weapons that don’t have the Light property. The feat now has an ‘enhanced dual wielding’ feature instead. When you attack with a Light weapon on your turn, this lets you make an extra bonus action attack with a different one-handed weapon. As long as that second weapon doesn’t have the Two-Handed property, it seems that you’re safe to use it – but you don’t add your ability modifier to the extra attacks’s damage. 


Durable has seen a major overhaul. It now has a level-four prerequisite, and it gives you advantage on DnD death saves as well as a +1 Constitution buff. As a bonus action, you can also spend one of your Hit Dice, roll it, and regain those hit points. 

Elemental Adept

As well as a prerequisite of level four, Elemental Adept now comes with a +1 to your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Otherwise works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of an Elf Bard


Has a prerequisite of level four, but otherwise works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 


Grappler now has a level four prerequisite, but you can take the feat if you have a 13+ Strength or Dexterity. Grappler now comes with a +1 to your Strength or Dexterity, as well as a once-per-turn ability to deal damage and do a DnD grapple with a single Unarmed Strike action on your turn.

You still have advantage on attack rolls against creatures grappled by you, but the option to pin the target as an action has been removed. Instead, your speed isn’t halved when you move a creature you’re grappling, provided its DnD size is the same as yours or smaller. 

Great Weapon Master

Great Weapon Master now requires your character to be level four and have a Strength of at least 13. It now buffs your Strength by one, and you can still make a bonus action attack after scoring a critical hit or downing an opponent.

However, the feat’s other feature (the -5 attack for +10 damage one) has been replaced. Now, when you perform a successful attack action on your turn with a Heavy weapon, you deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of a Dragonborn Fighter

Heavily Armored

You can now buff your Strength or Constitution by one with Heavily Armored. Has a prerequisite of level four, but otherwise works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 

Heavy Armor Master

Heavy armor master now has a level four prerequisite, as well as the usual need for heavy armor proficiency. You can use it to increase Constitution or Strength by one. Additionally, the feat reduces damage dealt by bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus (rather than a flat 3). 

Inspiring Leader

Inspiring Leader now requires your character to be level four, but you can take it if you have a Charisma or Wisdom of 13+. The feat increases one of these two scores by one point, and the temporary hit points it lets you give your allies are increased by the modifier of the ability you chose to buff. The only other major difference is that this feat’s ability can only be used when you finish a DnD short rest or long rest

Keen Mind

Keen Mind now requires your character to be level four and have an Intelligence score of 13+. It still gives you a +1 to Intelligence, but its other abilities have been completely reworked.

When you take the feat, you choose either Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion. You gain proficiency in this DnD skill, or Expertise if you’re already proficient. Additionally, you can take the Study action as a bonus action. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of a Tiefling Paladin

Lightly Armored

Has a prerequisite of level four, and gives you proficiency with a DnD shield, but otherwise works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 

Mage Slayer

Mage Slayer now has a prerequisite of level four, and it increases your Strength or Dexterity by one point. The feat still gives creatures that you damage disadvantage on their concentration saving throws for spells.

However, the rest of its original features have been replaced. Now, once per short or long rest, you can use Mage Slayer to succeed on an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw you would otherwise fail.

Martial Weapon Training

Martial Weapon Training is a brand-new feat with a pre-requisite of level four. It gives you a +1 to Strength or Dexterity, plus proficiency with martial DnD weapons

Medium Armor Master

Medium Armor Master now comes with a level four pre-requisite, as well as a +1 to your Strength or Dexterity score. Otherwise works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast cover art for the Player's Handbook

Moderately Armored

Has a prerequisite of level four, and gives you proficiency with a shield, but otherwise works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 

Mounted Combatant

Mounted Combatant now has a pre-requisite of level four, and it comes with a +1 to your Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom.

Wizards of the Coast has been much more specific with the wording of this feat (for example, you have advantage on attacks against creatures within five feet rather than specifically melee attacks, and becoming incapacitated nullifies the feat’s effects). Despite these minor details, the rest of the feat’s rules are basically the same as in fifth edition. 


The Observant feat has been completely reworked. It has a pre-requisite of level four, and you must have an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 13+.

The feat now buffs your Intelligence or Wisdom by one point. Additionally, you choose either Insight, Investigation, or Perception, gaining proficiency in this skill (or Expertise if you already have it). You can also take the search action as a bonus action with this feat. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of Tiefling Bards haggling with a green hag


Has a prerequisite of level four, but otherwise works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 


Poisoner has a pre-requisite of level four, and it increases your Dexterity or Intelligence score by one. The saving throw for creatures you hit with poisoned weapons or ammunition is calculated differently (DC eight plus the modifier of the ability you buffed with this feat plus your proficiency bonus). Otherwise works exactly as it does in fifth edition. 

Polearm Master

Your character must be level four and have a Strength or Dexterity of 13+ before you can take the Polearm Master feat. The feat now gives you a +1 to Strength or Dexterity, and it works pretty much the same as in fifth edition. The only major difference is that you can now apply all Polearm Master features when wielding a lance or a pike. 


Has a prerequisite of level four, but otherwise works as it does in fifth edition. 

Ritual Caster

As well as a general level four pre-requisite, you can now take Ritual Caster if you have an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score of 13+. The feat also buffs one of these three DnD stats by one point.

You can now learn a number of level one ritual spells equal to your proficiency bonus from any of the DnD classes’ spell lists. These spells are always prepared, and you use the ability you buffed with this feat as your spellcasting stat for the spells. When your proficiency bonus increases, you can learn an extra ritual spell.

Additionally, you can cast one of these ritual spells using its regular casting time rather than the ritual casting time. This can be done without using a spell slot, but you can only do so once per long rest. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of a human Ranger


Sentinel now has a prerequisite of level four, and your character must have 13+ in Strength or Dexterity to choose the feat. Otherwise works pretty much as it does in fifth edition. 


Has a prerequisite of level four, but otherwise works as it does in fifth edition. 


Sharpshooter now has a pre-requisite of level four, and your character must have 13+ Dexterity. It gives you a +1 to Dexterity, but you can no longer take a -5 attack roll penalty in exchange for +10 damage.

Instead, the feat lets you ignore disadvantage when you make a ranged weapon attack within five feet of an enemy. All other parts of the feat work as they did in fifth edition.

Shield Master

Your character must be level four and have proficiency with shields before you can take Shield Master. The feat now increases your Strength score by one, but you can no longer add your shield’s armor class bonus to Dexterity saving throws.

It’s still possible to take no damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw while holding a shield. Plus, you can now take a free, once-per-turn action. If you successfully make an attack action with a melee weapon, you can immediately force the target to make a Strength saving throw (DC eight plus your Strength modifier and proficiency bonus). If it fails, you can push the target five feet away or knock it prone. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of a human Bard

Skill Expert

Has a prerequisite of level four, but otherwise works as it does in fifth edition. 


This is another feat that’s had a full makeover. As well as its original Dexterity pre-requisite, Skulker requires your character to be level four to take the feat. It now buffs your Dexterity by one, and you have 10 feet of Blindsight. Plus, you always have advantage on Stealth rolls to hide in combat, and missing with an attack roll doesn’t reveal your location if you’re hiding. 


Has a prerequisite of level four, but otherwise works as it does in fifth edition. 


A new feat, Speedy has a pre-requisite of level four and increases your Dexterity or Constitution by one point. It also increases your speed by 10 feet, and difficult terrain doesn’t cost extra movement when you take the dash action on your turn. Finally, the feat means that DnD opportunity attacks made against you have disadvantage. 

Spell Sniper

Spell Sniper now has a level four prerequisite as well as the need for your character to be able to cast DnD spells. It now gives you a +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Spell attacks still ignore half cover and three-quarters cover, but the feat now also removes disadvantage on spell attacks made within five feet of an enemy.

Additionally, when you cast a spell with a range of at least 10 feet that requires you to make an attack roll, you can increase the range by 60 feet. This replaces the feats’ other abilities from fifth edition. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of a human wizard casting a spell


Now has a prerequisite of level four, and the range of your Mage Hand spell increases by 30 feet regardless of whether you could already cast it. Otherwise works as it does in fifth edition. 


Has a prerequisite of level four, but otherwise works as it does in fifth edition. 

War Caster

War Caster has a level four prerequisite, and it now gives you a +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Otherwise works as it does in fifth edition. 

Weapon Master

Weapon Master has a prerequisite of level four, but it still gives you +1 Strength or Dexterity. Its remaining feature has been replaced. Instead of weapon proficiencies, the feat lets you use the DnD Weapon Mastery property or one simple or martial weapon that you’re proficient in. You can change your choice of weapon every long rest. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of an Aasimar Farmer

Origin feats

You can choose an origin feat any time you are instructed to choose a feat, but you specifically must choose one during character creation. This is decided by your choice of DnD 2024 background (see our guide for more info). 


Instead of a +5 Initiative bonus, Alert now lets you add your proficiency bonus to Initiative rolls. The rest of the feat’s features have also been replaced. Now, you can choose to swap your Initiative result with a willing ally in the same combat (as long as neither of you is incapacitated). 


A new feat, Crafter gives you proficiency with three Artisan’s Tools. You always have a 20% discount when buying non-magical items, and as part of a long rest, you can craft a piece of gear from the Fast Crafting Table in the Player’s Handbook using the relevant Artisan’s Tools. The item lasts until your next long rest. 


Healer does very similar things to its fifth edition version, but with plenty of tweaks. You can now use an action and one use of a Healer’s Kit to spend another creature’s Hit Dice on their behalf. You roll a die that’s the same size as their Hit Dice, add your proficiency bonus, and give them the result back as hit points.

Additionally, when you roll to determine the hit points you’d restore with a spell (or this feat’s other benefit), you can reroll any 1s – but you must use the new result. 


The number of luck points this feat gives you now equals your proficiency bonus (instead of a flat three). While the wording for Lucky has changed, the feat basically functions as it did in fifth edition. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of Tasha brewing potions in a cauldron

Magic Initiate

You can now use spell slots to cast Magic Initiate spell options if you want to, and you choose what spellcasting ability you use for these spells. Also, you can swap the spells you chose whenever you gain a DnD level up, provided your new picks are from the same spell list that you originally chose as part of the feat. Magic Initiate can be taken more than once, but you must choose a different spell list each time. 


Musician is a new feat that gives you proficiency with three musical instruments of your choice. Additionally, when you finish a short or long rest, you can play one of the instruments you’re proficient in to give Heroic Inspiration to a number of allies equal to your proficiency bonus. 

Savage Attacker

Savage Attacker has some tiny wording tweaks, but it basically works the same as in fifth edition. 


You can take Skilled more than once. It also works exactly as it did in fifth edition. 

Tavern Brawler

Tavern Brawler no longer buffs any of your stats. Unarmed Strike attacks deal 1d4 plus your Strength modifier in damage with this feat, and you’re still proficient in improvised weapons. The feat’s old grapple ability has been thrown out of the window, and instead you can reroll 1s on your Unarmed Strike damage dice, and you can push a creature five feet from you when you hit it with an unarmed strike (once per turn). 


Works exactly as it did in fifth edition.  

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of an Elf Ranger

Fighting style feats


Works as it did in fifth edition (except the fighting style counts as a feat now, and you must have the fighting style feature as a prerequisite). 

Blind Fighting

Works as it did in fifth edition (except the fighting style counts as a feat now, and you must have the fighting style feature as a prerequisite). 


Works as it did in fifth edition (except the fighting style counts as a feat now, and you must have the fighting style feature as a prerequisite). 


Works as it did in fifth edition (except the fighting style counts as a feat now, and you must have the fighting style feature as a prerequisite). 

Great Weapon Fighting

You treat 1s and 2s on damage dies as threes instead of rerolling them. Otherwise, works as it did in fifth edition (except the fighting style counts as a feat now, and you must have the fighting style feature as a prerequisite). 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of a Monk, Barbarian, and Ranger in combat


Works as it did in fifth edition (except the fighting style counts as a feat now, and you must have the fighting style feature as a prerequisite). 


As well as giving an attack against a nearby ally disadvantage, Protection now gives all other attack rolls against that person disadvantage until the start of your next turn (as long as you stay within five feet). Otherwise, works as it did in fifth edition (except the fighting style counts as a feat now, and you must have the fighting style feature as a prerequisite). 

Thrown Weapon Fighting

Thrown Weapon Fighting no longer mentions that you can draw a Thrown weapon as part of an attack. Otherwise, works as it did in fifth edition (except the fighting style counts as a feat now, and you must have the fighting style feature as a prerequisite). 

Two-Weapon Fighting

Two-Weapon Fighting has more specific wording thanks to the new Weapon Mastery rules, but it’s pretty much the same. When you make an extra attack with a Light weapon, you can add your ability modifier to the damage if you aren’t already. 

Unarmed Fighting

Works as it did in fifth edition (except the fighting style counts as a feat now, and you must have the fighting style feature as a prerequisite). 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast of a Halfling opening a portal

Epic boon feats

Each of the DnD classes gains an Epic Boon feat at level 19, and they can’t be chosen before you reach this level. In campaigns that run beyond level 20, it’s recommended that DMs use additional Epic Boon feats as a way to advance characters beyond the normal level cap. 

Boon of Combat Prowess

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30). Once per turn, when you miss with an attack roll, you can hit instead. 

Boon of Dimensional Travel

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30). After you use an attack or magic action, you can teleport 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. 

Boon of Energy Resistance

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30). You choose two DnD damage types to become resistant to, choosing from acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage. You can swap your choices every long rest. 

Boon of Fate

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30). If you or a creature within 60 feet rolls an attack, saving throw, or skill check, you can roll 2d4 and add the result as a bonus or penalty to the roll. Once you’ve used this feat, you must have a short or long rest before you can use it again. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of a spellcaster

Boon of Fortitude

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30). Your maximum HP increases by 40, and whenever you get HP back, you can gain an extra HP equal to your Constitution modifier. This only happens once per turn. 

Boon of Irresistible Offense

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30). Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by you ignores damage resistances, and you can deal extra damage to a target when you roll a 20 on your attack roll. This damage equals the ability score that you increased with this feat, and the damage type is the same as your attack’s. 

Boon of Recovery

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30). Once per long rest, if you drop to zero HP, you can drop to one HP instead and immediately regain HP equal to half your maximum. Additionally, you have a pool of d10s which you can use a bonus action to expend and roll. You regain HP equal to that roll’s total, and you regain all dice on a long rest. 

Boon of Skill

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30). You also gain proficiency in every skill, and you choose one skill to gain Expertise in. 

Boon of Speed

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30). Your speed also increases by 30 feet, and you can use a bonus action to Disengage. This bonus action also lets you escape being grappled. 

DnD 2024 feats - Wizards of the Coast art of a Bard

Boon of Spell Recall

You increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by one (maximum of 30). Any time you cast a spell between first and fourth level, you roll a d4. If you roll the same number as the level of spell slot you just used, you cast your spell without using that spell slot. 

Boon of the Night Spirit

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30). When you’re in dim light or darkness, you’re resistant to all damage except psychic and radiant, and you can become invisible as a bonus action. You become visible again after taking an action, bonus action, or reaction. 

Boon of Truesight

You increase one ability score by one (maximum of 30), and you have 60 feet of truesight.

Want to know if the new rulebook is worth buying? Check out our 2024 Player’s Handbook review. Or, if you need a reminder of when this book will release, head to our One DnD guide.

Source: Wargamer

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