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HomeNewsGames NewsWarhammer 40k ambushes us with Blood Angels Death Company box

Warhammer 40k ambushes us with Blood Angels Death Company box

Games Workshop has launched another devastating (but welcome) surprise attack on Warhammer 40k fans: it’s unveiled a new, 10th edition codex for the Blood Angels Space Marines, alongside an army set featuring brand new models for two classic characters, as well as a fresh Blood Angels upgrade sprue.

Revealed in a surprise article on GW’s Warhammer Community site on Monday, the new Blood Angels Army Set focuses entirely on the fan favorite Death Company sub-faction of this red-armored Space Marine chapter – bestial, near-suicidal killers driven mad with the ‘Black Rage’, a genetic curse that racks their bodies and minds with the ancient, psychic death scream of their primarch Sanguinius.

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels Army Set and codex revealed - Games Workshop images showing the new Chaplain Lemartes model

The box includes a core of ten Space Marine assault intercessors and ten jump pack intercessors, with sufficient new Death Company upgrade sprues to kit them out with roaring, fanged faces; custom shoulder pads; eviscerator two-handed chainswords, melta pistols, and various angelic doodads. Those troops are supported by some extra, armored melee punch in the form of a Brutalis Dreadnought.

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels Army Set and codex revealed - Games Workshop images showing the new Astorath the Grim model

And your force is led by two imposing new, plastic character sculpts for the classic Blood Angels chaplains Lemartes – the tortured yet badass Death Company leader – and Astorath the Grim – the chapter’s High Chaplain, whose job it is to execute marines for whom the Black Rage goes too far.

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels Army Set and codex revealed - Games Workshop images showing the components in the new Blood Angels upgrade sprue

Those Blood Angels Army Set contents in full, then:

  • Astorath the Grim x 1
  • Chaplain Lemartes x 1
  • Assault Intercessors x 10
  • Jump Pack Intercessors x 10
  • Brutalis Dreadnought x 1
  • Codex Supplement Blood Angels – special edition
  • Blood Angels Datasheet cards x 18
  • Blood Angels Upgrades sprue – unknown quantity, but at least two
  • Blood Angels transfer sheet x 1

As usual with these new model range ‘Army Sets’, buying this box will be your first chance to get your hands on the new codex for your Blood Angels army.

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But, also as usual with Games Workshop product reveals, we don’t yet know when this box is coming out, nor how much it’ll cost. However, based on other recent Army Sets (new character plus small army plus codex) we’d estimate a price of around $200 (£120).

Warhammer 40k Blood Angels Army Set and codex revealed - Games Workshop images showing the army set cover art, codex cover, and datacards

GW’s Monday reveal article confirms a standalone copy of the new Blood Angels codex supplement is, of course, “on its way”, but we’ve no estimate for when.

The trail has gone a little cold, of late, as to which new Warhammer 40k codex release dates are coming next. Games Workshop’s last official release timetable only covered us as far as June 22, when we got the 10th edition rulebooks for the pious Sisters of Battle and insidious Genestealer Cults.

Since then, we’ve had two ‘off-piste’ codex announcements. First we saw the surprisingly expansive new Inquisition codex, revealed last week alongside three bespoke battleforces and a new Inquisitor Coteaz model that’s already generated a lot of fan criticism. And now, the Blood Angels have descended from on high to rip and tear.

It’s probably too much to hope that next week’s big Monday reveal will be yet another codex coming soon – but if there’s one thing that never dies in the grim, dark Warhammer 40k universe, it’s hope.

For now, keep an eye on our Warhammer 40k news page to get updated as soon as GW reveals which of the Warhammer 40k factions is getting new goodies next.

And, to make sure you don’t miss a beat, follow Wargamer on Google News.

Source: Wargamer

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