A new video discussing Dungeons and Dragons art includes a sneaky reveal of four character backgrounds. In the new Player’s Handbook, backgrounds determine what ability score increases, skill proficiencies, and feats a character has – that’s a pretty big deal for your build. You can see the video, shared on July 15, below:
If you don’t have time to watch a 20-minute video that’s mostly about art direction, we can summarize the new DnD backgrounds for you. First, we see the Sage, an existing background from fifth edition that’s had a makeover.

A character with the Sage background can buff their Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom stats. When it comes to DnD feats, they automatically get the Wizard option for Magic Initiate. They’re also proficient in Arcana, History, and Calligrapher’s Supplies. As for equipment, a Sage gets a quarterstaff, calligrapher’s supply, book, parchment, robe, and eight GP – or they can just take 50 GP upfront.
Next is the Noble background. Ability score increases target Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma, and they’re blessed with the Skilled feat. Nobles are proficient in History, Persuasion, and one gaming set of their choice, which they’ll also have as part of their starting equipment, along with fine clothes, perfume, and 29 GP. Or they can take 50GP instead.
The next background we see is slightly cut off, so we can’t see its name. However, we can see that it increases your character’s Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. It also comes with the Healer feat, plus proficiency with Medicine, Religion, and the herbalism kit. Starting equipment can either be a quarterstaff, herbalism kit, bedroll, philosophy book, lamp and oil, traveler’s clothes, and 16 GP – or (you guessed it) 50 GP instead.
Finally, we see the Merchant – or at least some of it. Merchants have improved Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma. More excitingly, they get the popular Lucky feat. They’re proficient in Animal Handling, Persuasion, and Navigator’s Tools, but we’re not exactly sure what equipment they start with. Probably 50 GP.
That’s all the rules reveals that we get in this video. The rest is an admittedly interesting deep dive into the art from the One DnD Player’s Handbook, with several members of the art team explaining how the images convey the game’s rules and tell stories of their own. Art director Emi Tanji describes the art team’s goals with infectious enthusiasm – and she shows off an adorable owl familiar with a top hat.
For character options you can use right now, here’s everything you need to know about DnD classes and DnD races. Or, for more Dungeons and Dragons updates, be sure to follow Wargamer on Google News.
Source: Wargamer