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HomeNewsGames NewsBadass Warhammer 40k kitbash turns Space Marine into Doomguy

Badass Warhammer 40k kitbash turns Space Marine into Doomguy

This miniature tribute to the protagonist of Id Software’s Doom is so simple and iconic we almost don’t have to write an article explaining it: it’s the greatest daemon slayer in video game history, recreated as a Warhammer 40k Space Marine. This isn’t the first and won’t be the last someone has made a Doomguy Marine, but we love it when a talented fan plays the hits – they’re the hits for a reason.

This particular Space Marines conversion is the work of BlazeHammer47, who prefers to be referred to by his Instagram handle. He admits that as conversions go, “this one was pretty simple”. He’d seen another creator’s take on the Doomguy in Warhammer 40k, and thought “I’mma make that”. It’s not part of a special Doom themed project: “I just like making stuff”, he says.

Warhammer 40k Doomguy Space Marine conversion - a green and black armored marine with a double-barrelled super shotgun - sdie view

The chassis for the model is actually “extra parts” left over from the Black Templars Emperor’s Champion kit. We’re not sure of the source of the super shotgun and Doomguy helmet – they might have been made on a 3D printer.

To pose the model, BlazeHammer “built out some scaffolding with sprue”. The skulls on the mini’s base aren’t just decoration – they’re hiding a foot support.

You can find pictures of BlazeHammer’s conversions for other Warhammer 40k factions on his Instagram. “I do a lot of T’au Empire conversions”, he says “and those can be pretty tricky getting scale right” . By contrast, Doomguy “was pretty easy all things considered”.

Warhammer 40k Doomguy Space Marine conversion - a green and black armored marine with a double-barrelled super shotgun - rear view, showing his Space Marine power pack complete with purity seals

BlazeHammer method for painting miniatures is straightforward; first, a zenithal primer with an airbrush, then traditional brush painting with a mixture of Vallejo, AK, and Army Painter Speed Paint 1.0. He mainly uses Vallejo paints for miniatures.

He’s understandably satisfied with his work: “You always have a This is going to suck! moment halfway into it” he reflects, before adding “BOOM! You get that last layer on and it looks siiick”.

He has one more Doom conversion up his sleeve: he plans to convert the rest of the Emperor’s Champion kit with a Doom Eternal theme. After that he’s moving on to pastures new, “like a Hell Divers 2 Kill Team”.

If you think this Doomguy model is too subtle to do the source justice, check out this total overhaul Doom Slayer conversion we spotted way back in 2021. Frankly, we can’t wait for the Doom Stormcast Eternals that are bound to come out after Doom The Dark Ages releases!

Source: Wargamer

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