Unexpected Games will release The Mandalorian: Adventures, a new game based on Season 1 of the Disney+ Star Wars series, later this year, the company announced. It’s designed by head of studio Corey Konieczka, who designed or co-designed Star Wars games, Including Star Wars: Imperial Assault and Star Wars Rebellion, at Fantasy Flight Games (see “2016 Origins Award Winners”).
In this cooperative game, each of eight iconic characters has a deck of skill cards with unique strategies. Play takes place in an illustrated map book, with new rules, components, and mission types added over time.
The box includes 210 cards, 142 tokens, 1 mission book, 8 standees, 2 envelopes, and other components. The Mandalorian Adventures is for 1-4 players ages 12 and up, and plays in 30 to 60 minutes. MSRP is $49.99.
Source: ICV2