DC will collect the early adventures of Tim Drake, the third Robin, in Robin: Tim Drake Compendium One, which will include stories originally published in the 1990s by writers Chuck Dixon and Alan Grant and artists Tom Lyle and Norm Breyfogle, among others. The compendium will include Batman #455-457, #465-469, #480, Detective Comics#618-621, Robin (vol. 1) #1-5, Robin II: The Joker’s Wild! #1-4, Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #1-6, Robin (vol. 2) #1-5, Robin Annual #1-2, Superman (vol. 2) #70, Superman: The Man of Steel #14, and stories from Batman 80-Page Giant #2 and Showcase ’93 #1-6, #11-12. The 1,128-page softcover will be released on July 23, 2024, with an MSRP of $59.99.
These stories all predate the 2021 revelation that Drake is bisexual (see “Media Lights Up with Tim Drake Reveal”). The character got a new solo series, Tim Drake: Robin, in 2022 (see “Tim Drake Gets Ongoing”) but it was canceled after 10 issues.
Source: ICV2