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HomeNewsGeneral NewsInterpret Machu Picchu in 'Publish or Perish: Winay Kawsay'

Interpret Machu Picchu in ‘Publish or Perish: Winay Kawsay’

WizKids has announced Publish or Perish:  Winay Kawsay, a game of competitive research inspired by Machu Picchu.  The game will launch in November.

In Publish or Perish:  Winay Kawsay, the players are academics researching the famous site of Machu Picchu, trying to prove that their interpretation of the site’s history and significance becomes the most accepted version.  During the game, they will search the site for artifacts, examine the evidence, and, of course, publish their findings in important journals.  At the same time, they must take care not to damage the important historical site.

The game uses a worker placement mechanic to represent the players conducting research, on a game board depicting the archeological site itself.  Then, players use evidence cards to get their articles published and return artifact cards to minimize their impact to the site.

Publish or Perish:  Winay Kawsay earned a finalist spot in the Zenobia Award competition for its designer, Alison Collins.  The Zenobia Award seeks to recognize the efforts of designers from underrepresented groups who are creating historical-based tabletop games.

The game includes 1 main game board and 1 condor board, 4 player boards, a scoring track, more than 150 wooden tokens and over 200 wooden blocks, more than 120 cards, 60 wooden player tokens and 5 researcher tokens, and 4 three-dimensional bookshelves.  It is intended for 2 to 4 players, ages 14 and up, and takes about two hours to play.  MSRP is $69.99.

WizKids has announced a new Dungeons & Dragons Onslaught starter set for June (see “New ‘Dungeons & Dragons Onslaught’ Starter Set Incoming”), which will be supported by an OP kit (see “WizKids Unveils New ‘Dungeons & Dragons Onslaught’ OP Kit”).  A new expansion for the Mage Knight Board Game has been announced for early next year (see “‘Mage Knight’ Returns with ‘The Apocalypse Dragon – Expansion Set’”).

Source: ICV2

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