Writer Kieron Gillen (Rise of the Powers of X) and artist Caspar Wijngaard (Star Wars: Age of Rebellion) announced their new series, The Power Fantasy, at Gillen’s well-attended Emerald City Comic Con Spotlight panel this past weekend.
As seen in the two promotional images released, The Power Fantasy is a take on superheroes: “Superpowered” means those with the destructive power of a nuclear arsenal. There are six of them on the planet, and they must not fight.
Said Gillen, “This is a comic informed by superheroes, but one where a fight is the absolute lose state, for everyone. It’s set from 1945-1999, and so is a chance to really have fun with an alternate cultural history too. I think you can see it as an extension of my best work: WicDivian alternate-pop culture, a cold-war take on Uber’s realpolitik, Die’s social group drama hyper-charged by genre…”
The Power Fantasy will launch in August at comic book shops and on digital platforms.
Click Gallery below for preview images!
Source: ICV2