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HomeTabletop RPGDungeons & DragonsBest DnD magic items 5e

Best DnD magic items 5e

DnD magic items are some of the best in the game’s history, but, with so many tantalizing options, it can be hard to find the right fit for your campaign. Whether you’re a DM looking for the perfect arcane item to hide in your dungeon, or a player on a shopping spree trying to decide between a magic Morningstar or that Bag of Holding, this list will provide a DnD 5e magic items masterclass.

The magic items 5e offers are a great way to spice up a DnD campaign. While anyone, regardless of their DnD race or DnD background, can get great use out of a 5e magic item, they can provide lots of interesting options for martial DnD classes in particular, such as the Fighter 5e or Barbarian 5e. In a fantasy world, it’s not fair if the DnD Wizard is the only one who gets to play with cool toys.

If you’re a DM, be careful not to hand out loads of super rare, super powerful magic items to a low-level party, or things will get chaotic real fast. The best 5e magic items can be truly campaign-warping, and if you hand them out like candy, you’ll have to get creative with encounters to maintain any semblance of challenge. The same goes for players: don’t expect to gain 5e magic items when prepping your next DnD character build.

This list will cover all different kinds of D&D magic items, from handy trinkets to devastating artifacts. As you read through, you should quickly get a sense of which will provide the most fun for you and your party. The best DnD 5e magic items spark ideas.

Now prepare your Identify spells, because here are the best DnD magic items 5e has to offer:

DnD 5E magic items - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing the Illuminator's Tattoo 5E

Best common DnD magic items

Sometimes, you’re itching to give players a magic item before they’ve even had their first DnD level up. Here are the best common D&D magic items that are suitable from level one:


1. Illuminator’s Tattoo 5e

Perfect for a campaign full of secrets.

Category Wondrous item
Rarity  Common
Requires attunement? Yes
Found in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything

Some 5e magic items aren’t permanent, physical items. For instance, the Illuminator’s Tattoo 5e is a magic needle that, when used to create a tattoo, disappears.

The recipient of the tattoo, however, is granted an ability called Magical Scribing. This is a common item (if you can call a tattoo an item, that is), but it still requires attunement.

This allows them to touch any written message with their fingertip, say someone’s name, and, for the next 24 hours, only the writer and the one whose name was spoken can read the message. If the tattoo is ever removed, the needle reappears, and a new tattoo can be applied to someone else.

This is the perfect 5e magic item for the party with a lot of secrets they need to protect. In our experience, that’s every D&D party. 

DnD 5E magic items - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing the Boots of False Tracks 5E

2. Boots of False Tracks 5e

For adventures full of sneaking and scouting.

Category  Wondrous item
Rarity  Common
Requires attunement? No
Found in  Xanathar’s Guide to Everything

A pair of Boots of False Tracks 5e is one of those common magic items that isn’t always useful, but can save your life in the right situation. When a humanoid wears the boots, they can make their tracks appear like the footsteps of another humanoid, provided it’s one that’s roughly the same size.

This item is particularly helpful for a DnD Ranger scouting ahead of the party, or a Rogue 5e trying to cover up evidence of a stealthy excursion. 

DnD 5E magic items guide - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing the Bag of Holding 5E

Best uncommon DnD magic items

Uncommon DnD magic items can also be used by level one characters without breaking the game. However, they’re a bit harder to get hold of (and are worth more cash if you pawn them). For more early-game options, here are the best uncommon 5e magic items:

1. Bag of Holding 5e

A solid DnD storage option.

Category Wondrous item
Rarity  Uncommon
Requires attunement? No
Found in  Dungeon Master’s Guide

The Bag of Holding 5e is a classic D&D magic item which naturally made its way to 5e. A wondrous, uncommon item, it allows the party to store up to 500 lbs (226 kg) worth of items while always maintaining the weight of 15 lbs (6.8 kg). As long as the object can fit in the bag’s opening, the bag can hold it.

A great place for storage – but it’s not without its dangers.

If the bag is turned upside down, all the contents spill out. If the bag is overloaded or takes damage, all items inside the bag are lost to the Astral Plane. Oh, and don’t try to open a portal of any kind in the bag of holding, or else you’ll… ahem… ‘bag’ yourself (and any creatures within ten feet of you) a one-way trip to the Astral Plane. 

DnD 5E magic items - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing a Cloak of Protection 5E

2. Cloak of Protection 5e

Stylish and hard to hit.

Category Wondrous item
Rarity  Uncommon
Requires attunement? Yes
Found in Dungeon Master’s Guide

The Cloak of Protection 5e is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It’s a cloak that protects you. It’s also another wondrous and uncommon item. Not only does it give a +1 bonus to your armor class, it also grants a +1 to any saving throws made while wearing the cloak.

Because it has to be on your person and requires attunement (there’s a limit to how many items you can be attuned to at one time), it’s not going to be the solution for everyone. But if you’ve got a low armor class, it just might be for you. 

DnD 5e Magic Items - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing a broom of flying

3. Broom of Flying 5e

Lets you take to the skies.

Category Wondrous item
Rarity  Uncommon
Requires attunement? No
Found in Dungeon Master’s Guide

Flight is one of those abilities you don’t hand out willy-nilly in D&D, and a DM should plan accordingly before sticking a Broom of Flying 5e in their game. It’s not the ideal 5e magic item to include if the campaign’s main villain sleeps at the top of a Wizard’s tower with open-air access and all the guards down below, for instance.

Still, the Broom of Flying does exactly what it says on the tin (you can fly with it). A wondrous and uncommon item, the Broom of Flying is a great tool.

If one party member has one it can be used to scout, overcome obstacles, or get a bird’s eye view. If all party members are kitted out with brooms, then navigating tricky, perhaps supernatural, terrain becomes far more viable. You can also command the broom to travel to a location and back, so if you like, it can pick up your shopping. 

DnD 5E magic items - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing the Wand of Magic Missile 5E

4. Wand of Magic Missiles 5e

Gain the power of consistent damage.

Category  Wand
Rarity  Uncommon
Requires attunement? No
Found in Dungeon Master’s Guide

Among the simplest, yet most iconic D&D 5e magic items, the Wand of Magic Missiles 5e is exactly what it sounds like – a wand (and an uncommon one, at that). Whoever’s got the wand can use an action to cast the 5e spell Magic Missile. The wand has up to seven charges, but, if the player chooses, they can use additional charges each time they use the wand, to cast Magic Missile at a higher level.

Each in-game day, you’ll roll a d6 +1 to find out how many charges the wand has that day. Be wary, though – if you use up all the charges, you must roll a d20. On a roll of one, the wand is destroyed. 

DnD 5E magic items - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing the Alchemy Jug 5E

5. Alchemy Jug 5e

Encourages creative (liquid-based) ideas.

Category Wondrous item
Rarity  Uncommon
Requires attunement? No
Found in  Dungeon Master’s Guide

The perfect item for a player who likes to think outside the box (or jug), the Alchemy Jug 5e is another uncommon and wondrous item. It’s a one-gallon (3.7 liter) jug that can produce liquid on command – with options ranging from acid to honey. You simply spend an action, name a liquid – and hey presto!

The Alchemy Jug can produce a maximum of two gallons (7.5 liters) in one minute, but the maximum amount it can make per day depends on the liquid chosen. As a rule, the more useful a substance, the less of it the jug can make.

You’ll need to choose wisely, as once you pick a liquid, you can’t select a different one until the next morning. No good dying of thirst because you wasted your jug on mayonnaise for that arch nemesis who’s allergic to eggs. 

DnD 5E magic items - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing the Circlet of Blasting 5E

6. Circlet of Blasting 5e

Shoot fire from your forehead.

Category Wondrous item
Rarity  Uncommon
Requires attunement? No
Found in Dungeon Master’s Guide

Magic weapons aren’t the only magic items that can do damage. The Circlet of Blasting 5e is a wondrous and uncommon item, a stylish accessory, and an aid in battle. While you are wearing the circlet, you can use an action to cast Scorching Ray, adding an additional +5 to the attack roll.

While this can only be used once a day, it’s superb for a party member who might need to conserve their limited spell slots. It also lends a helping hand to someone without much magic to begin with. 

DnD 5E Magic Items - Wizards of the Coast art of Bracers of Archery 5E

7. Bracers of Archery 5e

Become adept with a bow and arrow.

Category  Wondrous item
Rarity  Uncommon
Requires attunement? Yes
Found in Dungeon Master’s Guide

Bracers of Defense may be helpful for Monks, but Rangers will get more out of the Bracers of Archery 5e. When worn (and attuned), these bracers give your character proficiency with longbows and shortbows. They also give a +2 to damage rolls on ranged attacks made with these weapons.

The Bracers of Archery are an uncommon item, so they’re a little more likely to turn up in your campaign. They are a wondrous item like the Bracers of Defense, though, so they’ll still set you back a pretty penny if you buy them from a merchant. 

DnD 5E Magic Items - Wizards of the Coast art of Bracers of Defense 5E

Best rare DnD magic items

Now onto something stronger – rare magic items should only really be given to parties at level five or higher. These items can significantly affect play, so they’re naturally given out more sparingly. Here are the best rare DnD magic items:

1. Bracers of Defense 5e

For those who can’t wear regular armor.

Category Wondrous item
Rarity  Rare
Requires attunement? Yes
Found in  Dungeon Master’s Guide

The Bracers of Defense 5e are a rare Wondrous item that gives your character +2 to their armor class as long as they’re not wearing armor or using a shield. This makes them pretty handy for races like the Tortle 5e or classes like the Monk 5e – who either can’t wear DnD armor or do much better without it.

The Bracers of Defense require attunement, but there are no special requirements to do so. They’re on the more expensive side if you’re looking to buy the magic items, but they can provide a solid AC boost for anyone who isn’t protected by shield 5e and plate. 


DnD 5E Magic Items - Wizards of the Coast art of the Wand of Wonder 5E

2. Wand of Wonder 5e

Harness the power of random.

Category  Wand
Rarity  Rare
Requires attunement? Yes (by a spellcaster)
Found in  Dungeon Master’s Guide

Adorned with brightly-coloured balls, the Wand of Wonder 5e looks more like an elaborate cat toy than a powerful magic item. Its whimsical colour scheme hints at its powers, however.

This is a wand with several magical effects, and the one you use at any given time is random. It’s basically D&D’s answer to the Wabbajack from Skyrim.

Here’s how to use the Wand of Wonder. Firstly, you’ll need to be a spellcaster who can attune it. Next, point your wand at an object, creature, or space and expel one of its seven charges. Roll a d100 and consult a table of results to see what magical effect you’ve cast.

Many of the effects in the table are spells. Your Wand of Wonder can cast Lightning Bolt 5e, Fireball 5e, Invisibility 5e, Detect Thoughts, and more. The wand can also create rainfall and random animals, and it can transport objects to a different DnD plane entirely. Hilariously, it’s also possible the wand will just stun you – and trick you into thinking you just pulled off something epic. 

D&D 5E magic items - Wizards of the Coast artwork showing various Ioun Stones 5E

3. Ioun Stone 5e

All-rounder DnD magic items with many uses.

Category Wondrous item
Rarity Rare and above
Requires attunement? Yes
Found in  Dungeon Master’s Guide

An Ioun Stone 5e is a very versatile wondrous magic item, with 14 different variant types, ranging from rare to legendary in status. Each type of Ioun stone has a different effect, and they require attunement to make the most of their powers.

Some remove the need to eat or drink; some make you stronger; and some can store spells inside, for you to use at a later date. While they’re some of the harder magic items to come by, they are almost always helpful to at least one member of the party. 

A goblin using the Deck of Many Things, one of the best DnD magic items 5e

Best legendary DnD magic items

Some magic items are so rare, they’re as famous as any major adventurer in the Forgotten Realms. Surrounded by legend, they’re often one of a kind, and they can reshape an entire campaign if they fall into the hands of players. Recommended from level 17 and above, here are the best legendary 5e magic items:

1. Deck of Many Things 5e

Change your fate with a single card.

Category Wondrous item
Rarity Legendary
Requires attunement? No
Found in Dungeon Master’s Guide / Book of Many Things

The Deck of Many Things may be a wondrous item, but for years it’s inspired dread for D&D players. This is thanks to its awesome ability to completely derail a campaign.

Each card in the Deck of Many Things 5e changes a character’s life, for better or worse. You might suddenly inherit more riches than you can spend, but you might also become trapped in an unknown dungeon dimension. The Deck of Many Things is one of the most famous magic items in Dungeons and Dragons, but it’s also one of the most unbalanced.

That is, until the Deck of Many Things 5e. The new version of the deck that comes with 2023’s Book of Many Things introduces 44 new cards that aim to bring balance to the deck. You can now tailor your deck to have as much or as little chaos as you please, and you can choose whether cards offer roleplaying or mechanical effects for players.

Given its new makeover, we reckon it’s time to give the Deck of Many Things another chance.

Whether you’re a player or learning how to be a DM, magic items are a fantastic way to encourage creativity, and tide characters over until the next level up. There are hundreds of 5e magic items to choose between, each one with the potential to liven up a game. Never forget that you don’t have to stick with official 5e magic items in your DnD game. There’s nothing to stop you using this list as inspiration when coming up with DnD homebrew content and inventing your own arcane works of art.





Source: Wargamer

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