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HomeNewsComic Book NewsPreview: Barbarella: The Center Cannot Hold #3

Preview: Barbarella: The Center Cannot Hold #3

Barbarella: The Center Cannot Hold #3

writer: Sarah Hoyt
artist: Riccardo Bogani
covers: Derrick Chew (A), Celina (B), Geebo Vigonte (C), Madibek Musabekov (D), Cosplay / Rachel Hollon (E)
FC | 32 pages | Science Fiction | $3.99 | Teen+

Having met the Innumerable and joined their cause against the Architects, Barbarella must clandestinely return to the home of the Architects in order to retrieve Vix, left behind when Barbarella was extracted by an agent of the Innumerable. See? We’ve come full circle!

As is often the case, it’s not what you see that’s the danger, it’s what you can’t see, and Barbarella sees plenty of that wherever she sees an Architect. And lest we forget, there is the small matter of the Unnamable out there…

Barbarella: The Center Cannot Hold #3

Source: Graphic Policy

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