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HomeNewsComic Book NewsTerrorwar #1 is Ghostbusters with nightmares

Terrorwar #1 is Ghostbusters with nightmares

Terrorwar #1

Terrorwar #1 kicks off a sci-fi horror series about working people fighting mind-bending monsters. Blue City was the last livable place on Earth. Now it’s crawling with Terrors-creatures that transform into their victims’ worst fears. Humanity’s last hope? Muhammad Cho and his overworked, underpaid crew of freelance Terrorfighters.

Written by Saladin Ahmed, Terrorwar #1 is an interesting start of a series that feels like Ghostbusters but with nightmares instead of ghosts. Much like that iconic series, this one features what feels like a blue collar crew who are trying to make a dollar while eliminating threats. It’s the detail and the world itself that makes this debut feel like more than just a reskin.

Set in the future, the series has a look and style that feels like it’s been thought out. The visuals blend The Fifth Element and Blade Runner to deliver a worn down city where the tech feels both futuristic and a bit janky. The end result makes the debut feel like Ahmed is playing as much game master as storyteller with a focus on small details that enrich the series as a whole. A quick description of a weapon or a simple conversation adds so much to what could easily have been an action focused series.

The art by Dave Acosta helps with this. With ink by Jay Leisten, color by Walter Pereyra, and lettering by Shawn Lee, the comic is packed with tons of detail. Every bit of it adds to the world and story help telling what this world is like. What also stands out is the Terror-creatures themselves. The first had me pause and laugh as it felt so out of place while the second evokes a classic character. Both help make the tone of the series bounce around a bit and keeps readers on their toes. Much like Ghostbusters, it adds a bit of humor and levity to the series and situation.

Terrorwar #1 is a great start with an overall concept that might feel familiar but the end result is a well worn world due to the detail and thought put into it all. It’s an entertaining debut that has us wondering what terrors lie in the next issue and wanting to find out.

Story: Saladin Ahmed Art: Dave Acosta
Ink: Jay Leisten Color: Walter Pereyra Letter: Shawn Lee
Story: 8.1 Art: 8.1 Overall: 8.1 Recommendation: Buy

Image Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Zeus ComicscomiXology/Kindle

Source: Graphic Policy

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