Chedy Hampson, founder of TCGPlayer, has announced he’s stepping down from his role as CEO. Hampson announced he was leaving the company, which operates as a secondary marketplace for trading card games like Magic: The Gathering, YuGiOh, and the Pokémon TCG, via LinkedIn and Facebook on March 20.
“Over the past 25 years, I’ve happily poured my life force into building TCGPlayer with the goal of creating an incredible positive impact on local brick-and-mortar hobby stores and the broader collectibles community”, Hampson writes. “Today, I am announcing my decision to officially step down as CEO, effective March 24.”
Seven months before Hampson’s departure, eBay acquired TCGPlayer for $295 million. Hampson praises eBay’s partnership with TCGPlayer in his post, saying: “This decision is only made possible because of the amazing team and culture that exists at TCGplayer that is now reinforced by the incredible support from eBay”.
In more recent news, a successful TCGPlayer union vote passed on March 10. Hampson mentions a successor will take on the CEO role after he leaves, so the person who fills his boots will likely be involved with handling the union’s first contract.
Hampson adds he plans to spend more time on himself, his friends, and his family after leaving TCGPlayer. “I leave knowing that we captured the magic of the local hobby shop along with the love of its incredibly diverse community, and recreated that spirit within a tech company that has grown to 600 passionate people”, he says. “Moving forward, TCGplayer and eBay leadership are fully dedicated to the foundational mission of TCGplayer and will hold tight its core values as they name my successor.”
For more trading card game news, our MTG 2023 release schedule can keep you up to date with the game’s latest releases. We’re also always on the lookout for the latest MTG Arena codes and the best MTG Arena decks for digital card gamers.
Source: Wargamer