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Ablaze launches Witch of Mine in February 2023 and more!


by Haeyoon and MAS · MSRP: $19.99
Available February 15, 2023

In these times, if you’re too good or bad at something or simply too beautiful, you’re called a witch. But there also exist magical beings called witches, who have the power to travel through both time and different dimensions, and sometimes do in the pursuit of love with human beings.

Up against twists of fate and time, an outcast young boy and a mysterious witch, shunned because they’re different from what’s considered normal, one due to his imperfection and one due to her perfection, will need more than just magic spells and incantations…they’ll need each other.

THE CIMMERIAN, Vols. 1-4 Box Set

by Various Writers & Artists · MSRP: $90.00
Available May 3,2023

ABLAZE proudly presents its bestselling line of Robert E. Howard’s uncensored Cimmerian graphic novels in a handsome slipcase box edition, collecting Volumes 1-4. Each Cimmerian volume contains two complete Conan stories, plus bonus material, including the original prose stories, in one epic hardcover collection!  Also includes a bonus fold-out full color poster!

The Box Set includes:

  • Vol. 1 – Featuring “Queen of the Black Coast” and “Red Nails”
  • Vol. 2 – Featuring “People of the Black Circle” and “The Frost Giant’s Daughter”
  • Vol. 3 – Featuring “Iron Shadows in the Moon” and “The Man-Eaters of Zamboula”
  • Vol. 4 – Featuring “Beyond the Black River” and “Hour of the Dragon”

BLITZ, Vol. 2

by Various Cédric Biscay, Tsukasa Mori and Daitaro Nishihara · MSRP: $12.99
Available February 15, 2023

Immerse yourself into BLITZ, the new shonen manga series exploring the elite world of chess, where intuition and mental agility are precious assets on the way to victory!

After the incident with Caïssa, Tom’s chess level has improved considerably. Back at school, he reunites with Harmony, Laurent, Saori, as well as Anne, Marius, and Zhang. These seven chess club members of the International School of Shibuya must now battle each other to determine who will qualify for the prestigious roles of school representatives to compete in the Kantô region Junior High School Tournament.

Facing skilled opponents, our heroes’ abilities and characters will be put to the test… Memories, rivalries, unexpected reunions… Can the young ISS team come out victorious?

Bonus material in each volume includes chess games explained move-by-move to allow readers to better understand the strategies deployed and facilitate a better understanding of the game and its lexicon.


by Dario Sicchio and Letizia Cadonici · MSRP: $12.99
Available February 1, 2023

“It is not difficult to be happy under a blue sky. But it takes a lot of courage to be strong even under a black sun.”

With anniversaries of the black sun looming, the children born during those events begin to gravitate toward each other. Will this lead to an understanding of who they truly are or a rejection of their very nature? Meanwhile, a darkness begins to take hold of some of the citizens of Brightvale.


by Lily Windom, Robert Windom, and Asiah Fulmore · MSRP: $3.99
Available February 8, 2023

From the writer/creator of Seven Sons, Robert Windom, and his eleven-year-old daughter, Lily, comes a fun, fantasy adventure.  Featuring Art Direction by Eisner-Award winning artist Sanford Greene (Bitter Root) and anime-inspired interior art by new talent and Greene-protege Asiah Fulmore (DC’s Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld).   

With Tyler’s help, Lily learns to harness her newfound superpowers. Can the siblings convince two locals in Medieval Ireland to help them break back into evil Lord Ciaran’s castle? And are they too late to save their parents?


by Mark Russell and Roberto Meli ·
MSRP: $3.99 · Available February 8, 2023

Eisner Award winning writer, Mark Russell, and rising star Italian artist, Roberto Meli, ponder ego, mortality, and man’s place in the universe and his relationship with technology in this witty series, which is being published by ABLAZE in cooperation with Arancia Studio.

Roy gets an unexpected chance at salvation when his estranged wife agrees to talk to him before his spaceship cuts off communications with the Earth.


by Florentino Flórez, H.P. Lovecraft, Guillermo Sanna & Jacques Salomon · MSRP: $3.99 ·
Available February 15, 2023

An adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath unlike anything you’ve read before.

In the latest issue, Carter comes upon the city of Inquanok where he meets a stranger with information that he needs. But it isn’t until after encountering structures of mind-boggling proportions and design that the extent of the stranger’s knowledge is revealed, possibly leading The Dreamer to The Crawling Chaos…Nyarlathotep!


by Mathieu Salvia and DJET · MSRP: $3.99 ·
Available February 22, 2023

Monsters don’t only exist in children’s imaginations…

The final showdown between Father Death and the boogymen pursuing him and his young friend is finally here! But it isn’t just the ancient one’s fate that hangs in the balance…Elliott’s future (or lack thereof) will be determined in the life-or-death struggle!

Source: Graphic Policy

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