We are back for two days of TMNT goodness in a row, this time for #TurtleTuesday!
Now, if you missed our First Look from yesterday of Sewer Surfer Michelangelo, Ace Duck, and Scratch – you can check that out now. Today we will take a look at the two remaining releases in this sixth wave of ULTIMATES: Slash and the Mousers 5-pack. Now, these figures share all of the strengths of the other three figures in that the paint is great, the material choices are good, and the articulation is rock solid. There is going to be a lot of familiarity with the Mousers, but Slash is, of course, all new and I think a lot of collectors are going to consider him to be the best TMNT ULTIMATES! figure yet.
As I mentioned before, after some issues with series 5 (particularly with joint strength) – series 6 is really solid from a production standpoint. There might be some design choices you don’t align with, but the final figures are really good from a quality standpoint. Again, these were produced at the factory in China whereas 5 was made in Vietnam (you can check the legal lines in the packaging), so I REALLY hope the future series will continue along at the factory in China because there is a marked difference here.
Let’s take a look at each of these releases.
The multipack occupies the occasion “fifth figure” in the assortment as a re-release of sorts, but also as an opportunity to army build a notable character. Er, robot. Whatever. The point is, the Mouser has only been previously available packed with Baxter Stockman, and when the standard price for an ULTIMATES! figure is $55.00, that makes army building these little guys pretty much out of the question. Well, Super7 is here for you and are offering this 5-pack that makes the prospect of putting together multiples of this guy a lot more approachable.
In this set you will get three standard Mousers, two battle-damaged Mousers, and variety of accessories. Again, if you have the Baxter Stockman figure, you know what you are getting with the standard three Mousers here. The plastic on the legs might be a little different (not as rigid), but that notwithstanding, these are essentially the same figures. The battle damaged versions is a nice touch with a new upper head piece that has been beaten to a pulp, and paint deco on the body that also shows damage. If you are in need of a Mouser army, getting a couple of these packs will do the trick right away.
The accessories here are mostly re-releases as you get a pair of sais with a heat-flashing deco, but these are actually the best sais Super7 has released thus far in terms of plastic quality. You also get a repaint of the baby turtle x2 that was previously released with Splinter. Speaking of Splinter, you get pre-mutated version of him that harkens back to the vintage line, a slice of pickle pizza, and a busted ooze canister. My favorite of these, though is the Mouser remote and Baxter (or Shredder) can hold it perfectly to send these mechanical munchers into battle.
I will admit, I am not huge Slash fan in terms of the character, but I do recognize that he is most certainly a favorite in eyes of many a TMNT fan. I don’t know, maybe it is the fact that I never saw a need for ANOTHER mutant turtle when there are so many other animal options out there. That said, he does have a great design, so his vintage figure has always been a standout, even being another turtle. All that said, I can recognize that character aside, this is probably the best TMNT U! figure yet. All of the strengths of the series in general are running at full speed with this figure, and I am pretty positive Slash will be the runaway favorite figure in this assortment with most collectors.
Slash is the epitome of the Four Horsemen in their groove, and Slash’s design elements lend themselves so well to their strengths. This figure is an absolute CHONK and that build, combined with the similar neck articulation makes this figure recall ThunderCats U! Slithe in the very best way. The sculpting detail covers every millimeter of this figure, so there is nary a spot where there isn’t some kind of texture or heightened point. This figure is really stunning. The joints are also good on this figure is that is SO important with a chunk of plastic this size. All of the joints support the weight and balance Slash well.
There are a few design notes here with some of the color choices/etc. There were a few different releases of the vintage Slash, and the old “pink belt” version is what is represented here. I never had that version, but I like the dynamic colors breaking up the black, so I think Super7 made the correct choice here. I also like all of the other painted details here be it on the figure itself, or in the many included weapons. I want to shout out the individual ninja stars that can act as weapons, but also plug into the belt just like they were affixed on the vintage figure. The metallic paint on the grenades is also nice. I have seen some chatter that the skin color here is too dark, and while it is darker than the vintage figure, the darker color does not bother me, but you may feel differently.
I will be interested to see when more people get Slash in-hand (he is currently shipping from Big Bad Toy Store), because I think it will show that most collectors will consider him the best TMNT U! figure yet, and deservedly so.
Okay! We are six series in (this one should start shipping from Super7 soon), and the ULTIMATES! collection is really starting to be fill out. We are likely still several months away from series 7, but getting two waves right on top of each other is going to be fun. I think series 6 is the best wave yet in terms of quality, so I hope this is the harbinger of the line going forward.
*Thanks to Super7 for sending these figures along for a First Look
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Source: The Fwoosh