Games Workshop unveiled a colossal new Warhammer Age of Sigmar model on Tuesday, in the form of the fearsome Beast-smasher Mega-Gargant. It marks the sixth ‘Mega-Gargant’ (essentially giants) to be added to the comparatively new Sons of Behemat faction, following the recent reveal of a new model for King Brodd, monarch of the Mega-Gargants. There’s an extra stompy reveal trailer you can watch below.
Each Mega-Gargant fulfils a unique role in a Sons of Behemat army, and GW has dropped a few details about what the Beast-smasher will be bringing to the tabletop.
As befits its name, the Beast-smasher is consumed by the desire to hunt down and destroy enemy monsters. Wielding a huge Menhir Club, this Mega-Gargant will be able to lay out 3 attacks with a 3” range which wound on a 2+ and each deal 5 damage.
That’s meaty enough, but put the Beast-smasher near a model with the MONSTER keyword and the Gargant can instead lay down a Beast-breaking strike.
This reduces the number of Attacks to 1 and gives the attack 5D6 damage instead of a flat 5. This makes it a risky manoeuvre, but one that could deal up to 30 damage with a single hit.
Rend details remain hidden for now until we get the Warscroll reveal but we expect that this Mega-Gargant will be capable of smashing through even the toughest armour.
In addition, the Beast-smasher gets the normal round of Mega-Gargant characteristics – such as 35 wounds, the ability to shrug off lethal damage, and the potential to smush nearby models under their massive, falling corpses, should they eventually kick the bucket. It’s fair to say that if you see one of these approaching your monsters, it may be time to move them out of the way.
The fan reaction, however, has been muted so far, with some Sons of Behemat players across social media expressing some disappointment at the model’s pose and perceived similarity to other Mega-Gargants in the army.
No announcement has been made so far regarding a release or pre-order date for the Beast-smasher Mega-Gargant on its Warhammer Community reveal, but we’ll be keeping our ears to the ground in anticipation of its approach.
For more Mortal Realms, why not check out our Age of Sigmar armies guide to get a comprehensive lowdown on every faction in the game. Or we have good news for high-elf fans: the new Lumineth Realmlords battletome is on its way.
Source: Wargamer