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HomeNewsGames NewsGames Workshop Previews Deathmasters for Age of Sigmar

Games Workshop Previews Deathmasters for Age of Sigmar

May 20, 2022 by Polar_Bear

The Skaven are well known for skulking in the shadows, hitting from hidden quarters, unexpectedly taking on their enemies. The epitome of these traits culminate in the Deathmasters, assassins of the highest caliber. Take a look at the rules for them in this preview for Age of Sigmar.

From the article:

Clever-smart Grey Seer Skrittat has done the impossible. His verminious cunning has allowed him to come up with a brilliant plan-scheme to break into the Everspring Swathe and steal a clutch of Alarielle’s prized soulpods. In his expenses for the mission – which include a swarm of Stormvermin, Clanrats, and even an ominous Screaming Bell for him to ride – he even found a big enough cache of warpstone tokens to hire a fearsome Deathmaster. 

He’ll need the help – led by the Lady of Vines, a whole harvest of newly-grown Sylvaneth are hunting for rat-flesh in Echoes of Doom, the latest Warhammer Age of Sigmar battle box, which is up for pre-order this weekend. Flee-flee, Skrittat, and pray to the Horned Rat that those weeping blades aren’t aimed at your back…*

Deathmasters are the deadliest assassins of the Clans Eshin. These furred fiends undergo rigorous training in the Eshinite temple-warrens, where they learn the tricks of the trade – how to move unseen and unheard, run up vertical walls, and all of the best places to plunge a knife into the many residents of the Mortal Realms to ensure a clean, one-cut kill.**

The Clans Eshin have used these skills to topple entire empires with a single blade – just ask Nagash! They’re the most agile of all the skaven, and masters of illusion who can seemingly melt into the darkness to evade capture. No wonder the aelven Shadeborn are fighting them in the depths of the Nethermaze – they have a brand to protect.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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