With about 5 days to go, Fa Sheng: Origins has blown past its crowdfunding goal! The six issue mini-series from writer Rylend Grant and artist Dexter Wee and created by Peter Shiao is about the humble beginnings of a great Shaolin Master.
We have the exclusive reveal that Immortal Studios is announcing three amazing prints featuring art by Dexter Wee, Yishan Li, and Gene Ha! These prints measure 8 x 10 and are printed on a card stock in full color, with no trade dress – just the stunning art for folks to enjoy.
The campaign is quickly approaching its $10k stretch goal and once they hit that level of funding, they’re unlocking something super special — a 4-page “back-up” feature that ties this Fa Sheng and present-day Fa Sheng together, in a tale that spans time and will blow your mind. They’ll also unlock a DRAW ME IN tier so that folks have the opportunity to be immortalized (see what we did there?) in the comic.
Fa Sheng: Origins is the latest comic book series from Immortal Studios, a Los Angeles-based publisher that is creating the first comic book-based shared universe of Wuxia martial arts-fantasy stories. The Kickstarter campaign ends on May 24th at 11:59 EDT.
Source: Graphic Policy