As we are still in a pandemic, it gives most of us, time to reflect. It has given most of us the proper perspective to look at our life choices. We often reminisce about the good times of our lives. It also makes us melancholy for those we have lost along the way.
We often think that we could have done something better to differently, and events in our lives would have different outcomes. The sad reality of all that, is that things unfolded the way it was meant to. The regret lingers nonetheless, hopefully learning form past mistakes. In Star Wars: Obi-Wan #1, we find the titular character reminiscing of the past to see how it affects his future.
We’re taken to Tattoine, where we find Obi Wan, older and wiser, as he prepares his home for an oncoming sand storm. He takes this time to write in his journal, as the sand storm reminds of when he was a young Padawan, and one such night, he awakes to look for his friend and fellow Padawan, Gehrin, whose visions consume her. She decides to leave the Jedi Temple that night, a truth that Obi Wan finds hard to swallow. He chases after her, but runs into s some trouble with some local thugs, which is quickly broken by Nodrus Cay, a ranking lieutenant for the Black Sun, on hopes of helping her father, which Obi Wan insists on coming with. By the issue’s end, she is betrayed by Nodrus , but Obi Wan is able to save them both, but Gehren decides to leave the Jedi Order anyway to help her father and Obi Wan will never see his friend again.
Overall, Star Wars: Obi-Wan #1 is an action packed debut issue, which shows why Obi wan is still an iconic character in the Star Wars universe. The story by Cantwell is heartfelt. The art by the creative team is gorgeous. Altogether, one of the better additions to Marvel Star Wars comics’ canon.
Story: Christopher Cantwell Art: Ario Anindito
Color: Carlos Lopez Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Story: 9.0 Art: 9.0 Overall: 9.0 Recommendation: Buy
Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review
Purchase: comiXology/Kindle
Source: Graphic Policy