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HomeNewsComic Book NewsReview: Dark Ages #6

Review: Dark Ages #6

Review: Dark Ages #6

Dark Ages #6

It’s a good sign for a comic when you want more of it. Dark Ages is that type of comic where six issues is just not enough to explore the world, characters, and let things play out a bit. Wrapping things up, Dark Ages #6 delivers a satisfying, though rushed, finale to the alternate world story.

Tom Taylor wraps things up in Dark Ages #6 with an issue that’s packed with action and has heroes and villains confronting Apocalypse and his enslaved army of heroes and villains. It’s full of action and unfortunately not given quite enough time to breathe and play out. The finale feels like an issue that could have used a bit more to expand its world and story, either a whole issue or at least an extra special supersized finale. The comic feels a little compressed especially with some dramatic moments that happen and then, that’s it. It feels like a story that was cut short in issues and forced to wrap up sooner than originally planned. Still, it’s satisfying in a popcorn summer blockbuster sort of way. It’s very satisfying with Taylor hitting the beats you want as a reader and delivering moments that stand out. Don’t forget the tinge of humor to it all.

Iban Coello‘s art continues to be solid. There’s a character or panel or two that feel a little off at times but overall, there’s a lot packed in. With color by Brian Reber and lettering by Joe Sabino the action is fierce and there’s so many moments that are memorable visually. The team does an amazing job of making this world look lived in. It’s not just heroes and villains with different costumes. Here we see haggard and starved characters who look like they’ve been held and tortured. It’s a small detail that really makes the world feel more “real”. It’s something the art has been amazing at with each and every issue.

Hopefully, we get a sequel to the series. Dark Ages #6 leaves more than enough out there to build a really interesting follow up. Unfortunately, due to an exclusive deal with DC, any sequel won’t have the talent of Tom Taylor. Taylor through six issues helped balance heart and action with the fantastic art of Iban Coello for a miniseries that delivers on popcorn entertainment.

Story: Tom Taylor Art: Iban Coello
Color: Brian Reber Letterer: Joe Sabino
Story: 8.0 Art: 8.35 Overall: 8.0 Recommendation: Buy

Marvel provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: comiXology/KindleZeus ComicsTFAW

Source: Graphic Policy

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