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HomeNewsGames NewsWestlands RPG System Core Book Up On Kickstarter

Westlands RPG System Core Book Up On Kickstarter

March 29, 2022 by Polar_Bear

If you’re tired of rolling your D20s around, you should check out Westlands. It’s a new RPG core book that’s up on Kickstarter that takes it’s core from the open-license 2d6 systems and expands upon it.

From the campaign:

Hi! I’m William Murakami-Brundage, lead designer at Menagerie Press, LLC and an independent RPG writer.

Menagerie Press is creating Westlands, a 2D6-based fantasy RPG with streamlined mechanics based on the Sword of Cepheus open game license system reference document. The 2D6 fantasy system (Traveller, Sword of Cepheus) has a true sword and sorcery feel, allowing exploration and adventure in a savage land. Action resolution is quick, putting an emphasis on story, not rules.

In Westlands, we’ve taken the core open-license 2D6 fantasy reference material and are adding extra content, including reworked (more dangerous!) sorcery mechanics, optional rules for simple firearms, and an expanded bestiary.

The name Westlands is a nod to the West Marches RPG campaign style, which is a much more free-form, adventure-seeking campaign where the players decide their motivations and goals, rather than being directed via the game master.

The campaign’s more than 12x funded (being fair, they weren’t asking for a lot) with 16 days left to go.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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