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HomeNewsComic Book NewsPreview: Vampiverse #6

Preview: Vampiverse #6

Preview: Vampiverse #6

Vampiverse #6

writer: Tom Sniegoski, Jeannine Acheson
artist: Daniel Maine
covers: Madibek Musabekov (A), Stephen Segovia (B), Maria Laura Sanapo (C), Meghan Hetrick (D), Rachel Hollon Cosplay (E), Stephen Segovia (F-RI/Line Art), Rachel Hollon Cosplay (G-RI/Virgin), Meghan Hetrick (H-RI/BW), Maria Laura Sanapo (I-RI/Line Art)
FC | 32 pages | Horror, Action/Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+

In this issue, the evil Vampirella, Bloodwing, and her captive Book at last reach the fabled Library, the final stop before she can carry out her nefarious plan of destroying the Artist and rewriting all of the Vampirellas’ realities. But there are still major roadblocks: Book is missing the crucial pages that will lead them directly to the Artist, and an army of Vampirellas from realities far and wide hellbent on stopping her have just arrived at the Library. Will the daughters of Drakulon be able to defeat their psychotic sister and save the threads of the Fabric, or will Bloodwing vanquish them all and reshape their stories in her own glorious, twisted image?

Vampiverse #6

Source: Graphic Policy

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