Here is a list of issues related to GO Battle League that are currently being investigated by our engineering team. This list will be updated regularly, and issues will be added and removed as they are discovered and resolved. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of all issues we are aware of or working to fix. You can find the list of known issues unrelated to GO Battle League here.
To report a bug that isn’t listed here, or get one on one support, please submit a ticket in-app under the Settings menu, or see our article on how to best contact us for different issues.
Last updated: February 11, 2021
Switch overlay sometimes persists over Charged Attack buttons
Issue description:
Sometimes the switch overlay will block Trainers from using their Charged Attack buttons.
Issue status: Resolved in upcoming release (0.231)
Sometimes Trainers are locked into the GO Battle League user interface on Map View after quitting a battle.
Issue description:
Sometimes after Trainers finish a battle, they will still see the user interface over the Map View after they exit. They will be unable to interact with the game until they restart their app.
Issue status: Resolved in upcoming release (0.231)
Sometimes Pokémon may display the wrong HP upon being swapped in.
Issue description:
When a Pokémon is first swapped in, sometimes their HP may appear to already be damaged, even if they have not taken any damage yet. However, the HP will recover to the correct value once they take damage.
Issue status: Resolved in upcoming release (0.229.1)
Fast Attacks may sometimes take longer than expected to perform.
Issue description:
Sometimes Fast Attacks take longer than expected to land. This is more noticeable in quicker Fast Attacks.
Issue status: A potential resolution will be included in an upcoming release. We are testing this resolution to verify its intended effect.

Sometimes opponent avatars or Pokémon from previous battles appear in the current battle.
Issue description:
Avatars or Pokémon from previous battles sometimes do not clear when starting the next battle, leading to them staying on screen.
Issue status: Resolved in upcoming release (0.231)

The user interface showing opponent Pokémon may sometimes appear before GO.
Issue description:
When first starting a battle, Trainers may be able to see the user interface at the top of the screen that notes the opponent’s Pokémon before the starting countdown finishes.
Issue status: Resolved in release (0.227)
Trainers may experience a short pause after executing a Charged Move.
Issue description: In some cases, after executing a Charged Move, Trainers may not be able to damage their opponent for a short period of time.
Issue status: Investigating
Charged Attack minigames can last longer than intended
Issue description:  Trainers can see a delay from when they finish their Charged Move minigame to when the Charged move lands. Their opponent may in some cases experience instability as well.
Issue status: Mitigated in release, and continuing to investigate for a long-term solution
Fast Attacks are inconsistently thrown when opponent throws Charged Attack
Issue description
: Fast Attacks sometimes inconsistently land on your opponent’s Pokémon just as your opponent uses a Charged Attack.
Issue status: A potential resolution has been found. We are testing its interactions with other fixes.
Charged Attack button does not work when tapped
Issue description: Occasionally, the Charged Attack button will not work when tapped and the Charged Attack will not fire immediately.
Issue status: Investigating
Charged Attack and Switch buttons disappear
Issue description: The Charged Attack and Switch buttons occasionally disappear and the Trainer is unable to attack or take any actions in battle.
Issue status: Investigating

Source: Official Pokémon GO support page