I believe it was Hisui’s swampy terrain that gave Ursaluna its burly physique and newfound capacity to manipulate peat at will.
Type: Ground/Normal
Category: Peat
Ability: Guts, which boosts the Attack stat if the Pokémon has a status condition. Or Bulletproof, which protects the Pokémon from some ball and bomb moves.
Hidden Ability: Unnerve, which unnerves opposing Pokémon and makes them unable to eat Berries.
Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Ice and Fighting
Resistances: Poison and Rock
Immunity: Electric and Ghost
Evolutions: Ursaluna evolves from Ursaring when exposed to a Peat Block in the Crimson Mirelands during a full moon.
Height: 7′ 10″ Weight: 639.3 lbs