Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Review: Mega #1

Review: Mega #1

Mega #1

A gigantic creature has been awaken from its eternal sleep in Antarctica. The destructive monster, only known as “The Salamander,” has started a journey of chaos and destruction. The only thing that could stop this menace is another sleeping giant; a creature from under the ocean known as “Mega.” Mega #1 kicks off a kaiju disaster comic that’s good but doesn’t deliver anything special so far.

Written and art by Salvador Sanz, Mega #1 is entertaining enough. The comic is something we’ve seen before though. A giant monster that was slumbering is woken up and rains destruction down upon humanity. That even includes belching lava and climbing a building. It’s tropes and a plot that has been done again and again. That’s not necessarily a bad thing if it’s done well. And Mega #1 is pretty solid in that department. Its characters are interesting and how things are revealed are a bit strange and different.

Mega #1‘s reveals includes discussions in dreams which will hopefully be explained later. But, the weakest part is the person who unleashes the kaiju only explaining the person is “naughty”. You just generally need to role with what’s presented and so far accept what’s presented. And, let’s face it, we’re here for the military action and eventual kaiju vs. kaiju battle we know is coming at some point. Everything else are just steps to get us to that point.

Sanz’s artwork is solid. There’s a haunting dreamlike quality to it all. Mix that in with actual dreams that are presented in the comic and it all comes together in a way where you almost expect a character to wake up and discover it’s all a dream. The art is good and the characters rather unique with a look for each that feels like it tells us some of their story.

Mega #1 is a debut of which the details are some of the more interesting aspects. The dysfunctional aspect of the family creates a group dynamic that should make what comes unique in some ways. There’s enough detail delivered and enough focus on the family interaction that it has to play out in future issues. There’s nothing bad about the series. It’s an entertaining enough debut issue that fans of the kaiju genre should enjoy. Here’s hoping that as the story plays out that the series delivers something more than we’ve seen before.

Story: Salvador Sanz Art: Salvador Sanz
Translation Leandro Paolini Somers Letterer: Martin Casanova Revision: Chris Ortega
Story: 7.0 Art: 7.85 Overall: 7.0 Recommendation: Read

Red 5 Comics provided Graphic Policy with a FREE copy for review

Purchase: Comic Shop Locator

Source: Graphic Policy

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