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HomeNewsGames NewsZynVaded! EVO Expansion Up On Kickstarter

ZynVaded! EVO Expansion Up On Kickstarter

December 15, 2021 by Polar_Bear

ZynVaded! EVO sees you playing as miniatures right on your tabletops. And I don’t just mean your gaming tabletop, but whatever flat surface you’ve got as it’s a 1/1 scale game. There’s a new expansion up on Kickstarter called Don’t Let the Zed-Bugz Bite that takes on a bit more of a horror theme. Head on over and check it out.

From the campaign:

ZynVaded!™ EVO is a 1/1 scale miniatures game where you literally fight battles on a table top (or desktop, or countertop, or wherever) set in our own world! In it, you assume the role of an inches-high, insectile alien race, or their enemies, waging war on our planet, with the spirit of the game meant to invoke the feeling of an old Saturday morning cartoon. In the Don’t Let The Zed-Bugz Bite Expansion, you’ll take Hunterz through a variety of Missionz into Zyn-fected zones on your tables, countertops and cubicles in a survival horror-ish style setting!

The campaign’s more than 3x funded with 11 days left to go.


Source: Tabletop Gaming News

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